9. Left Out

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Shoto's POV

"I'm so sorry," Touya said to Mitsuki.

"It's alright love, I love children." Mitsuki said.

"But I'm sorry in advance, if anything happens." Touya said. He handed her an envelope. "Here."

"This is ¥50,000!? (around $250 and £320)" she said in surprise.

"Trust me, I'm sorry. If they start a fire poor water on them." He said.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad!?" She said in disbelief. "But I'll take the money anyways, I mean easy money."

"Yeah hehe, easy..." Touya laughed.

"He's being over dramatic," I said. "Bye Mitsuki" we waved and started walking away.

"Bye, see you later," she smiled.

Touya and I got into the car and started driving to the mall. Touya kept tapping the wheel over and over again. He must be nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Are you nervous?"

"Kinda..." he exhaled.

"It's okay, Nastuo is cool." I said. He still tapped his fingers against the wheel.

"I mean, I'm more worried about my kids burning down Mitsuki's house, but sure."

"Oh, okay." I looked out the window.

After a few minutes we arrived at the mall. I got out the car and saw Natsuo is the distance. I started running towards him.

"Shoto! Why- Ughhhh." Touya said getting out the car.

Natsuo noticed when I was right in front of him. I tackled him down to the ground. We started laughing.

"Hey Shoto, how you doing?" Natsuo laughed. I got off of him and we sat on the ground.

"Good, you?"

"Great, where's Tom- Touya," he corrected himself.

"He's probably still at the car," I said and looked back. He was walking towards us. Natsuo got up quickly and did the same exact thing that I did. He ran towards Touya and tackled him to the ground but more aggressively/heartfelt. It looked like they were both crying.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Natsuo sobbed.

"I was scared, I guess," Touya said nervously. Touya was like getting teary eyed, but Natsuo is full on sobbing.

"Hey, can you like, I don't know, get out the street?" I asked. They're gonna get run over by a car at this rate.

"Natsuo, I know this might be overwhelming for you but-" Touya started but was interrupted by Natsuo sobbing. He looked at me and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and physically forced Natsuo off of Touya and onto the sidewalk.

"I missed you so much," Natsuo sobbed.

"Yeah, I can tell," Touya laughed. He was tearing up a bit but he didn't cry like Natsuo was. Natsuo was crying a lot, maybe we should have done this somewhere private. "Ugh Natsuo stop, you're gonna make me cry."

"Okauy," Natsuo sniffles. He tried to keep back his sobs, but it looked like he couldn't. Natsuo must have been way closer to Touya then I was. I didn't react like this at all. I don't even think I said thank you to him. Even Touya seems to care more, rather then when I came to him...

"Come on Natsuo," Touya laughed and pulled away from him. "Don't you think we should have fun instead of mope around?"

"No," Natsuo said.

"Well I don't want to, so we aren't," Touya smiled. He didn't really smile that much, he smiled when he was around Hawks or sometimes the kids, but other then that not really. I guess it is their reunion, but our reunion was more monotoned, but I guess that's because we have the same personality while Natsuo's is way different.

"Yeah can we go," I said. Natsuo wiped his eyes. Touya started to lead us through the mall. I stood on Natsuo's right side.

"So where do you want to go?" Touya asked Natsuo.

"I don't know...." Natsuo said they trailed into a conversation that I wasn't listening to nor was included in. I just kinda followed them. They were talking and catching up, I don't want to bother them.

After a while I just pretty much started thinking about school work. Like I have 9 tests this week, ridiculous right? It's like they're doing it on purpose. I need to study tonight, I have an English test tomorrow. I mean I understand English, but God damn I do not do well reading it. I have a test on a small book tomorrow and I got 1/4 of the way through it. Well I guess studying won't be hard when I barely sleep so that's a plus. So My schedule is...

Monday English
Tuesday Geometry, English, and Japanese
Wednesday Geometry
Thursday Chemistry
Friday Geometry, World History, and Japanese

Fucking ridiculous. I hate it.

Suddenly I bumped into someone, Touya. "Um, You okay?" He asked as he turned around.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I said to him.

"It's alright, what do you want to drink?" He asked. I looked around, we at a Boba place I think.

"I- um..." I know what, but I can't spit it out.

"I know what you like," Natsuo smirked. "Strawberry smoothie with Boba."

"Uh yeah," I said. I forgot he knew that.

"Nice," Touya said. After that he ordered, and then we got our drinks 5 minutes later.

As we walked out, someone yelled towards us. "Todoroki!" It was Mina. And the self proclaimed 'Bakusquad'

"Hey Mina," I stepped forward towards her.

"Bro, low key was confused for a second there," Natsuo said to Touya.

"Same," Touya said back.

"What're you doing here?" Mina asked.

"Hanging out with my brothers," I said and pointed behind me. They waved.

"Oh hi," she said.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Natsuo smirked.

"Dude," Touya stopped sipping his drink. "He's gay."

"Ohhhh right," Natsuo realized.

"Ummmm okay...." Mina trailed off. "So do you want to join us?" She stopped and looked at Touya and Natsuo. "Sorry, your probably busy right?"

"No it's okay, you can go if you want to," Touya said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll tell you when we're leaving, and if you want to stay longer I can get Hawks to pick you up," He smiled.

"Oh alright then..." I said.

"So... yes...?" Mina asked. I nodded. "Yay, let's go!" She dragged me away. I waved at Natsuo and Touya but they didn't see they were already walking away.


Words: 1049

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