Chapter One

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Robin didn't know what she expected her day to start with, but the last person she expected to see seated in the front row of her bio lab was Nancy fucking Wheeler.

It was the start of the spring semester of her freshman year at college, something she had saved every penny for after working countless jobs throughout high school, including the job she had now at family video. It had been raining when the girl awoke, which though annoying she preferred to the snow that usually dusted the midwest during the month of January,

With her luck, she had managed to not only wake up late that early Tuesday morning, but also not be able to find a parking spot close to the lab building which resulted in rain practically soaking her clothes because apparently, God was out to get her that day since she also had forgotten an umbrella. It had completely slipped her mind until she realized she had to trek (what felt like a million miles) to her laboratory building with only a fleece-lined denim jacket, which of course had no hood because she wasn't bright enough to plan accordingly.

This all led her to be late to her first bio lab of the semester, one of the general education courses she had been dreading due to her lack of interest in anything relating to science or stem in general. There she was, shoes squeaking from the water that clung to her so persistently, accidentally slamming the door against the wall as she flung it open in an attempt to rush into the classroom before she missed anything important and was marked absent on the first day of the semester.

If Robin had planned to sneak into the lab stealthily and slip into a seat as planned, that backfired immediately. The door made a thundering sound that even made her cringe and want to cover her ears, but doing that would draw way more attention and nearly everyone in the room had turned to see the commotion she was causing, hell, probably everyone in the state of fucking Indiana.

As she paused, clearly out of breath from her near running pace, Robin quickly went to mouth an apology to the professor and that's exactly when she spotted her.

She looked almost exactly the same as the last time Robin saw her, nearly six months ago, god was it longer than that? Her hair was the same length though a little less curly, more of a wavy texture than the tight curls she was used to. Her bangs just barely reached past her warm brown eyes, the eyes that now stared at her with an emotion Robin could only place as shock. She was wearing an oversized gray sweater that looked to be a couple of sizes too big but still warm and cozy. From this angle, Robin couldn't see what else she was wearing but she could only assume it was some sort of skirt, something she wore so often based on the countless times she had seen Nancy Wheeler at school and the mass collection she had once seen in her closet. She was clearly smarter than Robin it seemed, her hair was dry which could only indicate she had remembered to carry an umbrella with her when crossing campus.

Robin was sure she looked especially stupid, standing there with her wet, frizzy hair, her jacket and sweater splattered with raindrops, and the puddles forming at her red converse. She had never wished more to just sink into the ground and never be seen again, but god truly did not have any grace for her today. Her throat was dry as the words she meant to utter to the professor at the front of the class died at the tip of her tongue, too consumed by the pure shock and confusion drowning out any of her thoughts at that moment. She could only focus on her, with her big, soft doe eyes staring back at Robin for the first time in months.

The sound of the professor clearing his throat snapped her back into reality like a bucket of cold water, as if she needed to be drenched more, being dumped on her head. Robin's gaze darted up to the front of the classroom where the middle-aged man stood, his expression looking more and more irritable by the second. Only half listening, she heard him telling her to take a seat and realized she most likely was making a scene. Mumbling a quick sorry she slipped into one of the tables in the back that was closest to her, clumsily dropping her bag onto the ground beside her (which of course, was also drenched). He quickly resumed speaking about the topic he had been on before Robin stormed into the classroom and interrupted him, and by catching a few words she managed to gather he was going over the syllabus.

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