Chapter Three

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The next two days flew by quickly, with Robin working at Family Video with Steve and being pestered by his gaggle of children that came to pester the two of them at work. With them in the store constantly causing chaos (mainly Dustin and Max, who seemed to bug Steve, and her by association, at any given moment), Robin had to do her homework when she wasn't working. Ultimately, though it was annoying she had no free time, she could admit it greatly helped to distract her mind from thinking about Nancy and their upcoming project they planned to work on.

She could only avoid that for so long, however.

Now it was Thursday, just after her last class let out. The girl was approaching the dorm Nancy lived in, a large old brick building that loomed five stories high. It was one of the oldest dorms on campus she remembered upon inspection. A student she was friendly with in one of her classes last semester mentioned living there his freshman year, and how the building had no AC which and barely functioning restrooms, rolling his eyes as he wondered why it was never renovated.

It was honestly hilarious to her that Nancy lived here. Though she knew now that the girl wasn't a priss, in high school she had always thought that and the fact that she now resided in this old, crumbling dormitory could've been laughable.

As she strode up to the main entrance, she spotted the shorter girl leaning against the wall next to the door, bundled up in a puffy winter coat as she waited for Robin. Nancy had been gazing at the sky absentmindedly, looking so peaceful and graceful it made Robin's heart squeeze. It annoyed her to no end when she acted like that, she didn't want to be looking at Nancy and think about how gorgeous she looked, hair effortlessly tied up into a bun that was secured with a pink claw clip.

Once she got close enough her movement caused the girl to notice Robin, her brown eyes meeting her own eyes as she gave her a small smile.

"Hey," she greeted, almost hesitantly as if she was unsure how to interact with the taller girl anymore. It pained Robin more than she cared to admit. She so badly wanted to go back to the way things were between them without all the awkward tension and hurt that lingered in both their hearts. Robin knew she was partially to blame as much as she tried to deny that fact. Nancy had called her a million times after that one night, but she had never replied and instead iced her out until she was no longer a part of her life. It had been easier back then than to deal with the damage.

"Hey, you ready?" She asked, lifting up her bio textbook awkwardly as if she show Nancy what she was there for, like she didn't know.

The brunette nodded, casting her another small smile before gesturing for Robin to follow. They wordlessly entered the hall and Nancy swiped them into her building with her key card, leading Robin to the elevator.

"My room is on the fourth floor and there's a study room close to it, thankfully hardly anyone uses it because let's say it's less than to be desired. ." Nancy explained, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Robin nodded and let out a hum in reply, only half listening as they climbed into the elevator. Even if the whole Starcourt incident had happened well over a year ago, being in elevators always made her anxious. It reminded her of the time she was trapped in the Russian elevator with Steve, Dustin and Erica, convinced she was going to die down there. She had felt so hopeless in that moment, and being tortured by the Russian soldiers with Steve was another sore reminder brought on by elevators.

Nancy seemed to notice something was off with her when the elevator began to lift at a slow, teetering pace, causing Robin to inhale sharply.

"Are you okay?" The smaller girl asked, eyes filled with concern.

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