Chapter Five

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"Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! This whole building is such bullshit!" Nancy hissed out in frustration, her fingers frantically slamming against the buttons on the elevator.

With a groan of annoyance she let her head fall against the cool metal wall, letting out another huff of anger. She had no clue how the university was able to fund every single sport easily, yet fail to upgrade their oldest dorms. She really wasn't asking for much, just a building that wasn't constantly breaking down. Every other day it seemed like something new went wrong; the water fountain on their floor breaking, the toilets being clogged yet again, and now the damn elevator breaking down with her inside of it.

Taking a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, she realized Robin was dead silent. She half expected the girl to be the one banging against the doors and cursing as well, so the quietness that filled the room left Nancy with a feeling of concern.

Turning around, she noticed Robin had slid to the floor when she had been distracted by trying to get the elevator to work again. Her gaze was up toward the ceiling, pupils wide and frozen as if she wasn't even there.

Shit, Nancy cursed in her head. She should've saw this coming, she knew Robin had a fear of elevators after being trapped in one with Steve, Dustin, and Erica, she had literally just reminded her an hour ago for god's sake. Nancy didn't blame her either, certain things triggered her as well, things that would seem normal to most. She wasn't able to swim in pools anymore after what had happened with Barb and then again seeing her in her vision with Vecna, just being around them was almost too much.

Everyone has their own demons that still haunt them.

Suddenly she didn't care about anything else, she didn't care that all her stuff was probably about to get stolen by some other student, she didn't care that the space was seemingly getting more warm by the second, she didn't care that she was yelling at Robin minutes ago with such barbarity it shocked herself.

She was scared Robin wasn't even breathing until she saw the faint rise and fall of her chest, coming out in short, choppy breaths. Nancy knew what a panic attack looked like. She was well experienced with them, due to fighting demogorgans, being cursed by Vecna, losing her best friend and being haunted by the upside down in general. She often has woke up screaming from nightmares she had been experiencing since sophomore year, they had become so apparent in her life it was standard to her.

Snapping out of her daze, she immediately stepped towards Robin and dropped to the floor.

"Robin, Rob- look at me," she said, keeping her voice calm yet stern, "I need you to look at me, you aren't back there I swear, you're not in Hawkins and you're safe, you're not in that Russian elevator again."

The girl still didn't seem to hear her and her breathing was becoming more rapid, though with the same shallow breaths that sounded like she was struggling more and more as the seconds passed. Gently, Nancy reached over and cupped her cheeks, pulling her head toward her and forcing Robin to look at her.

"We will be okay, I promise you. We won't be trapped forever and I'm not going to leave you, dammit, I'm here okay?" The words came out softly, almost a whisper, as she willed Robin to understand her.

Something must have worked because the taller girl's eyes finally shifted and met Nancy's gaze, still wide with terror and filled with tears, but she could tell that Robin was in there and listening to her.

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