Chapter Seven

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The brunette spent damn near all of Saturday afternoon trying to figure out what to wear.

Rationally, it shouldn't have been a big deal to her. These were just her friends (and her brother with his little followers) and yet she was stressing like this was some fancy cocktail party where she had to dress to impress.

Nancy logically knew why she was acting like this, but she wasn't about to admit why. Admitting why she cared so much about looking good meant admitting that maybe her feelings for Robin weren't completely platonic, like she had been trying so hard to make them be.

No, she wasn't about to confess that.

In the end she settled on a warm pale brown, patterned sweater, with turtleneck underneath because it was extra chilly that day. She paired it with some dark jeans, a brown belt around her waist, and finally some boots because of the snow on the ground. After mulling around and finally choosing her outfit, she had then proceeded to do exactly the same thing with her makeup, the routine that usually took her twenty minutes tops took double the time.

Finally she made it to her car, a quick trek across campus to the parking garage, and from there she was driving down the highway with girls just wanna have fun blasting from the radio, something Robin would've teased her endlessly for.

God, why was that something that immediately popped into her head now?

She really needed to get a grip. Not only were you not supposed to have feelings for one of your friends (or kiss them, but she already broken that rule if not many more), she didn't want to be acting so flustered around Robin or anyone else and they noticed it. As far as she knew, Steve had no idea what had happened between them and she preferred to keep it that way, and neither of the girls were even out to anyone else.

Nancy also didn't want to scare Robin away so soon after fixing the previous mess they had made. She didn't want to freak her out with her pathetic crush, that she definitely didn't have.

Thirty or so minutes later, Nancy pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex that Steve lived in, or at least she hoped it was the right place. She was already later than she meant to be because she gotten sidetracked by her outfit, and then she managed to take a wrong turn at least twice.

It wasn't her fault the street signs were so hard to read at night.

Her stomach flipped as she looked toward the unit that was apparently Steve's, the lights were on inside and she could see a couple people milling around, the sound of laughter being heard all the way from her car. She couldn't see Robin which only made her more anxious, she half wished that she was visible so Nancy could see what the other girl was wearing and prepare herself so she didn't do something stupid.

All of a sudden something slammed into the passenger side window, causing Nancy to let out a scream as she whipped her head around, her hand reaching down to find something, anything to defend herself.

When she looked up though, all she saw was a tall, scrawny boy, bundled in a winter coat and a devious grin on his face as he cackled loudly.


Nancy flung open her door as soon as she calmed her breathing, her face set in a deep, angry scowl.

"You little shit! I almost had a fucking heart attack!" She spat, crossing her arms over her chest to keep herself from beating the shit out of him.

By now he was doubled over, clutching his chest as he fought to regain air from all his laughter. She could see El standing a bit farther away with Will right beside her, both of them looking sheepish and apologetic.

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