Chapter Two

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There she was, laying in her dorm room staring at the ceiling, once again thinking about Robin Buckley. This was not new to Nancy. She had spent countless nights in this same position months ago, with her legs pressed against the wall as she gazed up at the tiny glow-in-the-dark stars she had plastered to the ceiling.

Nancy wasn't going to lie and say she hadn't thought of the other girl in months, she thought of the blue-eyed beauty far more often than she cared to admit. As the months after spring break passed though it was more with longing and regret instead of pain and sorrow. She thought of what could have come from the fleeting relationship she had with the blonde, if only she hadn't been so scared. She could shoot a gun and take down otherworldly monsters, but her feelings and emotions were something she never knew how to conquer.

Replaying the moment that had happened earlier that morning made Nancy groan with frustration. She knew Robin went to the same college as her, the difference was that she lived on campus and the other girl commuted. Because of this fact she assumed the chances of them running into each other were slim to none considering thousands of students also attended alongside them. Besides that, they were in two completely different majors.

Whereas Nancy was a journalism major, Robin was studying linguistics (something she had learned from Steve when she asked during one of their phone calls how Robin was doing). The only similarity between the two was that both majors fell into the liberal arts category, but of course, she hadn't thought to think of the fact that all students had to take several general education classes.

Even then she didn't think the possibility of them being in the same class was that high. There were many science classes the university offered, spanning from chemistry to environmental science. Not only that but because the general education classes were so large there were numerous amounts of sections available, so logically even if they took the same biology class the chances that their schedules lined up were slim.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see Robin. She would give anything to have a relationship with her, platonic or more. The matter of the fact was that she knew the other girl didn't want to see her, which had been proven many times when Nancy called her and the line was repeatedly hung up on. It was her fault, she knew that, but it didn't stop her heart from wanting the other girl to reach out or accept her attempts.

The biology lab that both girls were in was only held on Tuesday morning, being one of her longer classes that lasted two hours. Nancy had her biology recitation on Monday and Wednesday as well, and considering Robin had not been in her recitation the previous day she concluded the other girl had a different recitation which was why Nancy was so shocked to see her arrive in lab that morning, drenched from the rain that had been pouring since dawn.

Nancy wasn't sure what she expected to see when she turned around in her chair, but when her eyes met the blue-eyed gaze of the girl she longed to see for months, her world stopped. She couldn't hear anything else that happened around her, there could have been a goddamn earthquake and she wouldn't have noticed. She was too struck with shock, staring like a damn fool at Robin Buckley, as memories and emotions rushed through her entire body.

She looked different, not in a bad way but just not what she looked like the last time she saw her. Robin's wavy hair was slightly longer, still cut short in the way that suited her face so well, but now it barely brushed her shoulders. Her bangs were also slightly longer, framing her face more like curtain bangs now. Even from where she was seated she could see the countless freckles that dotted her face, a feature that Nancy had always found herself staring at absentmindedly during spring break or in the halls of Hawkins High.

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