Chapter Six

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After that whole ordeal with being trapped in an elevator with Nancy, she felt as if some piece of a puzzle she didn't even realize was missing suddenly fit again.

A new sense of clarity had washed over Robin, that feeling of wistful longing had vanished now that she had Nancy Wheeler back in her life and things between them were patched up, even if it was still a bit messy.

Robin's whole life had been one big mess though, it wasn't even remotely unusual or foreign to her anymore. Her parents were divorced when she was young and her dad had skipped town, leaving her alone with her single, homophobic mother. Perhaps her dad had also shared her mother's morals, but he hadn't stuck around long enough for her to find out.

She was so used to being different, not even just because of her sexuality but because of the way she dressed or acted. She didn't gossip about boys in the way her peers did, she didn't have it in her to wear bright dresses and colorful shoes. This only set her apart from the others at school and most of the relationships she formed during her life had also been a mess, partially due to this.

So long story short, she was okay with whatever mess of a friendship they had managed to create.

Robin and Nancy sat to each other during every lab now, when one of them was late the other would make sure to save them a seat. They did their assignments every Thursday, switching back between the study room in Nancy's dorm (though they took the stairs now, at Robin's insistence) and other odd locations like the campus dining hall or student union.

They even studied for their quizzes and tests together, despite having different recitations and professors, and Robin often found herself grilling Nancy on biology terms with the colorful flash cards she had made.

It was a little awkward at first sure, neither of them knowing how exactly to be friends since they never met on a normal basis in the first place. Neither of them had had a friend that was a girl in such a long time, and the fact that they had kissed before only added to the complexity of the situation.

Being friends with Nancy Wheeler was one of the easiest things she had ever done, and also damn near the hardest.

She tried not to gaze at her when they were sitting across from each other in the study room, but sometimes she couldn't help but take in her soft features. Her warm brown eyes, the way she bit her lip as she concentrated on writing down some formula.

Whenever Robin would catch her eyes wandering to stare at Nancy she would have to rip her gaze away from the gorgeous girl in front of her and scold herself, she couldn't complicate their relationship once more and at that point she didn't even know if the other girl still had feelings for her after the way she had acted.

Still, her heartbeat was never calm around her and she only hoped that Nancy didn't pick up on how nervous she still made her when she would let her rambling go on for too long.

"Wait, so you're telling me that you and Nancy are now friends? After you told me countless times that she was just some stuck up priss?" Steve said, slowly drawing out his words as if he was trying to crack some mystery.

They were in his apartment that he had recently purchased a couple months ago after saving up for almost a year. It definitely wasn't the fanciest place and the neighbors were too loud at all times of the night, but it was his own place and a way to break free from his parents.

Robin rolled her eyes. "I literally said that one time dingus, and to be fair we were hopped up on drugs remember, dipshit? You said some pretty whack shit too and if I remember correctly you admitted you were in love with me-"

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