Chapter Fourteen

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School had concluded about a month ago and it was well into the beginning of June. During the last few weeks of the semester, Robin and Nancy had spent nearly all of their free time cramming for finals together, despite only having one class that they shared. The brunette continued to stay at Steve's (and now, Robin's) apartment most nights. Occasionally the two would stay in her dorm when they wanted to sleep in on those days that they had early classes.

With no more homework and long days spent at campus, Robin resumed working full time at Family Video once more. Steve was elated by this. He no longer had to suffer multiple shifts without her, though she wasn't sure he was so happy anymore due to her constant teasing and sarcastic rebuttals she threw at him every chance she got.

Nancy was also working that summer, another internship at Hawkins Post. Though initially she was doubtful to return and deal with the ever-present sexist environment again, Robin had convinced her to give it another go since she was so passionate about journalism. It has turned out to be just fine, seeing as the management was completely different compared to how it was two years ago. Robin wasn't thankful for the Mind Flayer by any means, but if she had to look for a silver lining this would be one.

With their days filled with work, the two often spent their nights together every chance they got. Whether that was just spending the night at each other's places or going on discreet dates around town, they were inseparable.

So much so, that Mike eventually began to pick up on the nature of their relationship.

Robin often stayed at Nancy's place so the other girl wouldn't constantly not be home, which would only raise more suspicions. Robin truly didn't think it was that unusual to constantly be around someone that was supposed to be your 'friend' but maybe Mike was more observant than she gave him credit for.

"Are you two dating?"

The question had started both girls, who had been in the basement watching a movie. Robin hadn't even noticed Mike descend down the stairs, usually all the kids were rambunctious and loud as hell, you could hear them coming from a mile away. She didn't even know it was possible for them to be quiet, that in itself was a new discovery.

They weren't exactly in a compromising position when he found them in the basement. Nancy was curled into her side, a blanket spread across the both of them as they snuggled together. They easily could've brushed it off and lied if they played their cards right, but that wasn't for Robin to decide. This was Nancy's choice, she had told her from the moment she first brought it up that she didn't care when she wanted to tell Mike, they could go at whatever pace the shorter girl wanted.

Nancy stiffened at the question, no doubt a million thoughts going through her head in those few fleeting seconds. Robin knew her well enough to know she was going over every possible scenario in her mind, just by the way she nervously bit her lip.

"Would that be a problem if we were?" Nancy replied, raising her eyebrows to seem as if she didn't care.

She did though, Robin knew this. They both cared how their friends and family would react to them dating or just being queer in general, it was something that was always on their minds. Especially after everything that happened with Robin and her mother, who still had refused to speak to her. It still hurt her every so often to think about the nonexistent relationship with her mother, though as time had passed the wound began to scab.

Instead, Mike just shrugged. "Nope, just wondering. Dustin said you guys are too close to be just friends and it made sense." The boy moved to grab whatever it was he had come down into the basement for, pausing before he began to climb the stairs again.

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