𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 ?

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It was morning and a bright sunlight was peeping through Hyunjin's window. Hyunjin got up and looked at the clock.

Hyunjin's POV

Oh it's only 9:15 am. Ughh I hate too much sunlight. I will sleep more.

Hyunjin went back to sleep. When he heard somebody knocking at the door. "Who is it ?!!" Hyunjin shouted. "It's me Felix. Sorry to disturb. Are you awake...? Felix said in a scared tone. "No. I will sleep a bit more. Any problem?" said Hyunjin in annoyed tone. "No... actually it's quite late and you didn't had your breakfast yet so I came to ask you if you are awake or not". "Oh.. okay I am coming" Hyunjin got up rolling his eyes. He went to do his chores and then he went down to have his breakfast. "So Felix you have school tommorow right ?" asked Felix's mother. "Yeah mom" said Felix with a smile. "And Hyunjin you too have school right ?" asked Mrs. Lee. "Yeah" replied Hyunjin with no expresions. " Both of your schools are in the opposite directiom so I will drop Hyujin first and then you Felix and then I will ho to work" said Mrs. Lee. They both nodded.

There was a complete silence. Suddenly Hyunjin got up and washed his hands and went to room. Felix also got up and he was going to his room, when he stopped near Hyunjin's room. He thought of knocking the door and calling Hyunjin. He doesn't know why but he really wants to talk, play and stay with Hyunjin. But he was somewhat scared of Hyujin as he used to keep a cold look on his face.

Felix's POV

Shall I knock ? Once ? Nothing will happen. Since he came, he didn't talk much with me. It's not that I am feeling lonely. But still, I want to talk to him and make him my friend. Let me try once...

Felix was going to knock. All of a sudden Hyujin opened the door. "Come in" Hyunjin said. Felix got scared all of a sudden like how did he even knew ? He didn't even say anything ? Felix went.

There was an awkward silence for some time. Felix was going to say something when Hyunjin broke the silence. " I know you are going to ask how did I knew that you were standing outside" said Hyunjin without looking at Felix. "Yes" Felix said in a faint voice which was barely to be heard. " Obviously your shadow was visible and your steps can be heard " said Hyunjin who still not looking at Felix. "Oh..." Felix said. He was scared to talk with Hyunjin. So he said " I came here to tell that we haven't t-t-talked m-much s-since you c-came". S-so c-can we t-talk ?" Felix shuttered. "Btw, it will be easier for me to understand your stop shuttering and speak clearly and yeah the answer to your question. I don't like talking much. I like to stay alone most of the time"
said Hyujiin in annoyed tone but this time he looked at Felix. Felix didn't say anything and slowly walked out of his room. Hyunjin closed the door.

Felix's POV

Did I say anything wrong ? I was just trying to make him feel comfortable. Is there any problem in that ? He is so mean. He is behaving like it's his house and I am just an outsider. I was just trying to be polite but he was rude, he didn't even bother to look at me. It's okay I understand that he stayed alone and his parents are not here right now. But that doesn't mean he will talk rudely.

Felix went to his own room and closed the door.

Hyunjin's POV

I don't know what's wrong with him. Weird ? He just came to talk unnecessarily. I am feeling bore anyways. Thank God atleast tommorow I will go to school and meet my friends. I really wish my parents to return fast.

 I really wish my parents to return fast

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Any thoughts ? 😃

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