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Felix couldn't sleep the whole night. The thought of that masked man being similar to Hyunjin is too disturbing to him.


Jeongin: Felix is there something which is disturbing you ? Because you are not talking to anyone like that and you are silent.

Felix just nodded as no. He looked at the corner of the wall. He had a feeling that someone was watching him from far. He went to see near the corner who was that, but he couldn't see anyone.

Jeongin: What happened Felix ?

Felix: I feel like someone was watching us.

Seugmin: Maybe you are hallucinating because you didn't eat.

Felix: No it is not my hallucination. I felt like I saw Hyunjin. But why will he spy on us ?

Jeongin: What ? Hyunjin ?? No way, he is least bothered about us. Maybe someone else. Then fine tell us after class.


Felix's POV

I need to find out who is it. I don't know why but I feel like I am related to all this case somehow. Could that man who trapped me possibly be one of the students of our school ?

Suddenly teacher calls out Felix 's name.

Teacher : Are you even paying attention or not?

Felix: Sorry sir

Teacher: Go and stand near the corridor. Atleast listen to something.

Felix was looking at everyone in the class.

Felix's POV

Who could it be ? I trust Jeongin and Seungmin can't be one of them. Who could possibly be ? Bangchan ? He looks like a strong mafia leader though. But I shouldn't suspect anyone without proof.

As the school bell rang, the teacher glared at Felix and asked him to get back to his seat. He stared at Hyunjin but Hyunjin was least bothered about it. He was used to it.

*During tiffin break

Felix couldn't stop thinking about the incident that took place.

Jeongin: Felix what's wrong with you? Eat something already

Seungmin (stuffing food inside his mouth): ar-nt you huhgwy ?

Jeongin : Again ? First finish stuffing the whole damn food inside your mouth and then speak.

Felix : It's just I don't want to eat.

Jeongin: Why aren't you sharing it with us ? Aren't we your friends? We want to help you out.

Felix: I know thanks....but this...I can't say...even if I want to.....

Jeongin: It's ok. Tell when you feel comfortable.

Felix: Ok......

*After all the classes it was finally time to go home

Felix waved at Jeongin and Seungmin and was on his way to go back to home. It was raining heavily.

Felix stood under a shade. When suddenly Hyunjin appeared. Felix didn't notice at first. Hyunjin held out an umbrella to Felix and cleared his throat. Felix saw Hyunjin and he was surprised.

Hyunjin: Here take this umbrella. And Get lost.

Felix: But what about you ? How will you go ?

Hyunjin: You don't have to worry about that.

Felix took the umbrella from Hyunjin. When their hands touched each other. They stared at each other deeply. The rain was pouring outside and there was a suddenly a loud thunder which made come back to their senses. Their cheeks almost turned red.

Hyunjin: Anyways I have to go.

Felix: You will get wet and you will fall sick.

Hyunjin: You don't have to care about that I will be fine.

Felix :I can't leave you like this...

Hyunjin: Just go home right now if you don't want to be kidnapped by some people.

Felix was surprised all of a sudden that how did he knew that he was kidnapped ? Hyunjin was nervous from inside but kept a cold look outside.

Felix : How did you-

Hyunjin: Shut up. I can't waste my time here. Just get lost and go home.

Felix: Ok ok I am going right now.

Felix smiled and said thank you. He was going to turn around when he suddenly noticed a bracelet of Hyunjin 's hands. He suddenly felt it weird for some reason. He turned back waving at Hyunjin but Hyunjin was completly unblthered and gave a cold look.

*Felix's home

Felix POV

I can't believe Hyunjin gave me umbrella. I don't know why is it making me so happy. It's just an umbrella right ? The rain was literally a good moment. I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. I am so excited. Wait why am I thinking about him. Uh He is a boy why am I behaving like I have crush on him ? Nah Felix don't have a crush on someone who is cold hearted..

But something feels off.... That bracelet on Hyunjin's hand.... I feel like I have seen it somewhere.... And the way he asked about me getting kidnapped......?

Could it possible be....him....or... does he work in those dangerous places....

No it can't be maybe I am thinking too much....

But I have to find out the truth.....

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚎 || 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now