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Hyunjin was very curious to know...he didn't like that Felix was sad...

He checked that if there is anyone or not... When be found there was no one he checked his bag and found that there was a notice in Felix 's bag. It said about participating in a competition.

Hyunjin's POV

It must have made him sad... I must check on him.. I walked near Felix's room. I knocked at the door but no one answered. I called out Felix's name. He opened the door. I saw his eyes were red and teary. He was trying to hide his tears from me....

Felix: Is there any problem ? What do you want ?

Hyunjin: Nothing...just want to talk to you...

Felix: Oh...ok..

Hyunjin entered the room and sat beside Felix.

Felix: So what do you want to talk about ?

Hyunjin : How is your school going ?

Felix (shaky voice) : Fine...

Hyunjin : I know you really widh to participate in that competition. Don't you ?

Felix : No... I can't... It reminds me of my older brother... (aside) I saw his assassination right in front of my eyes..

Hyunjin: Did you just say something ?

Felix : Umm no ? I mean I just said that it reminds me of that traumatic event...

Hyunjin : It's okay.... You need to get over it... Sometimes there are many traumatic past we have...but we have to get over it... Life goes on and so we have do too. I know you can do it. Don't force yourself...I know you really want to participate. Just try once ?

Felix: But...

Hyunjin : No but. You have to do it. Didn't you hear my command ???

Felix : Ok...

Hyunjin left Felix's room. Felix sat in his room thinking deeply whether he should really participate or not... After thinking and crying himself to sleep.. the next morning Felix went to school..

*Time skips (at school)

Kim Namjoon : So students ? Who are willing to participate ?

Almost half of the class were being chaotic to participate. Suddenly Felix stood up and everyone felt silent. Everyone was looking at him...

Some voices were also heard "He must be joking right ?" - "Never heard him singing nor dancing".- "Does he even have any talents? " He never participated in any of those events"

Kim Namjoon : Ok class. Stop. I am happy that you all want to participate. The even will be held on 1st October. Make sure to be on time.

*During tiffin break

Yeonjun : Bro. I really wish to hear you singing. I never seen participating in any of the events.
I wondered who changed your mind ? 🤔👀

Felix (almost teary): No I decided...to... participate...in this event...to try just once...

??: See who's gonna just 'try' for the event ? Lmao

??(2): Oh my gaah.. it will be so funny...

Yeonjun : Just shut up already Aiden.

Aiden : Why can't hear anything about your loser friend ? Does he even know how to sing or dance ? And this event is to prove who's gonna be the best. So there is not point in 'trying'.

Mina : Yes you are right. RIP my ears... It will burst when I will hear his voice..

Yeonjun : I said just stop with your nonsense already.

Aiden : What are you even gonna do about it mf bastard ? Are you his bf or what ?

Felix stood up. It was too much for him. It was fine till they told bad things about me but now they said that to his best friend. So he couldn't control himself anymore.

Felix : Just get lost.

Aiden : Oh.. the loser is speaking...lmao... insulting his bf...lmao

Felix : Shut up !!! You son of a faggot !!

Aiden : How dare you ?!! I am not going to leave you.

Everybody watched their fight and Aiden almosr began choking Felix. But as the bell rang. Teachers saw their behaviour and told them stop. They went to principal office.

Principal : If any further. I see this behaviour you will suspended for 3 months. And will not be allowed to participate in anything. They both agreed and still glaring at each other.

*Time skips (at home)

Felix : I did...

Hyunjin : What ?

Felix : I participated....

Hyunjin : Good to hear. What happened to your attire though ? Did you fight with someone ?

Felix : No...I just fell down...

Hyunjin : Ok...

Felix : The event will be on 1st October.

Hyunjin : Good. You have enough time to practice.

Felix's mother: What are you all talking about ?

Felix: I participated in music and dance event...

Felix's mother was shocked but happy as well... They talked while having dinner.

Felix would practice every night and early morning secretly. He wanted to keep it a secret and surprise them on the day of event.

*Next morning

Felix's mother: Hyunjin your aunt called me... And said that they have recieved airline tickets and the flight is on 1st October....

Hyunjin was sad but didn't want to express it. He went to upstairs, he thought Felix must sleeping so he didn't went to call him.

Hyunjin's POV

I think I shouldn't say this to Felix. He is really stressed for his competition. He must be tired. Let it be a secret. Anyways, he might be happy finally to get rid of me. I will just watch his performance till he wins and after that I will catch up my flight to London.

Next day, Hyunjin went to school for his TC. On the Last day of his school. He was talking with his friends and had walk around the school for one last time. His best friend was crying but he mamaged to calm Mark down. Bidding goodbye, he turned back. He was teary too...

Hyunjin went back home and saw Felix practicing. He was surprised by his vocals and his dancing skills. He made sure that Felix wasn't watching him... He didn't see everything. He would like it to be a surprise but he was sure that Felix would win....

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