Mafia ?

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Hyunjin fell on top of Felix. They both looked at each other's eyes like theur eyes were fixed in each other's gaze. The crowd gathered around them.Suddenly when Han coughed with a smile. They both came back to their senses. Hyunjin's lovely gaze turned into anger.

Hyunjin : What the fuck ?!! What's wrong with you ?! Can't you see or what ?!! How many times will this happen ?!!

Felix: You should have seen me coming. But you were lost in your own world.

Hyunjin: Shut up !!! Don't dare to speak a word against. You don't even know how worse I can be. Now get lost from my eyes.

Felix: How?

Hyunjin: Can't you just simply understand what I said ?!! Get lost right now. I don't want to see your fucking face.

Felix: Stupid 🙄

Hyunjin: What the fuck did you say ?!!!

Felix: How can I get up when you are on top of me ?

Everyone started laughing.

Hyunjin: I want silence.

Hyunjin got up and hurried back to the class. Jeongin and Seungmin helped Felix to get up and asked if he was alright or not.
He was fine with it. He went back to class and sat beside Hyunjin.
The two of them didn't talk the whole day. Sometimes Felix stared at Hyunjin expecting some replies but he wasn't bothered about anything.

After school. Hyunjin called his gang members, Bangchan, Changbin, Han, Minho went out of the school building hurriedly.

Felix: Guys. Do you know where are they going ?

Seungmin : Nope we are least interested about them. We don't even care. They does that everyday.

Jeongin: Yes you shouldn't think much about them. Let's get back home safely. I heard that the streets are not safe here to walk alone at night.

Felix: Why ?

Jeongin: I heard some creepy guys roams here at night. They are like mafias. But they are way too dangerous.

Felix: What? Seriously?😂😂. Why will mafia even roam around here at night ?

Seungmin: We are not joking it's really dangerous. They are the most cruelest people you will meet.

Jeongin: More cruel than Hyunjin himself 🙄

Felix: Hey. Don't call him cruel. I know he is not like that. He forgot me so he is behaving like that.... It's okay he will remember me someday...

Jeongin: He is like that regardless of the circumstances. Anyways, you shouldn't think much about this. You should go home.

Felix went back to his apartment in London. Felix saw his mother hurrying.

Felix: Mom what happened?

Felix's mother : Sorry Felix I have to go somewhere it's urgent. Please stay at home okay ? I might come back after 1 week. But I have kept a caretaker for you. I don't have time.

Felix : But where are you going... Please tell.... I am worried... Is everything alright....?

Felix's mother: Yes dear... everything is fine... it's because some..a distant relatives of ours... is sick... So I will visit them...

Felix: Oh..ok....

Felix's mother left hurriedly. Felix found it quiet weird but he ignored it and entered into the house.

It was 10:00 pm at night when Felix completed his homework. Suddenly Felix remembered that he has to buy some notebooks.

Felix 's POV: It's quite late now. Shall I go out and buy notebook ? Maybe it is open and I need some snacks for tomorrow so I have to go to convenient store.

Felix wore his hoodie and some money from his drawer which his mother has kept for him. He locked the door and went out. He came out after buying some food and stationery items.

Felix was walking on the streets watching the moonlight.

Felix was walking on the streets watching the moonlight

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Suddenly he heard a sound of gun firing. Felix got scared. He was stunned for a moment.

Felix's POV

What was that ??! I heard a gun firing.... Maybe I was hallucinating....but did I really hear it clearly.... Those mafia shits are real....? Nobody is even there to drop me to my home. It is completely a deserted street. I heard some people running and firing of gun. I must reach home as fast as possible. Suddenly he heard footsteps... He tried to hide in an alley.

????: Where is that fucking rascal ?!!

???: Ugh we missed the shot.

??: What are you gonna do now ?!! He ran ?!??

????: I have send my guards after him. They will catch him. They are well trained. We must go home right now. To the base. We have to plan.

??: Why do I feel like someone is watching us ?

Felix was sweating when he heard this.

???: You are hallucinating. Let's go.

The persons who where talking went. Felix was relieved after he saw them going....

Felix's POV

Who were they ? They seem so dangerous..... Are those mafias...? But why did I feel like I heard a familiar voice.... I can't recognise who was it....but the voice was quite familiar... Anyways I must go home... It's late... I don't want to risk my life anymore.

Felix ran back to his home.

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