Someone new ?

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??: Boss what shall we do now ?? Our enemy is getting out of control they will defeat us.

Hyunjin: Stop thinking about getting defeated you fucking rascal. I just want their info right now.

Bang chan: Calm down calm down don't be so angry. Think calmly about the ways to defeat them and go on.

Hyunjin: SHUT UP. And do your work. Is everyone planning out ?

Bang chan : Yeah

*Someone enters

Lia: Brother calm down drink coffee and you should take rest you are sick. I don't know how did you get wet in the rain. I am sure we will win in the end.

Hyunjin (calms down): Oh ok.. Go to sleep you have school tomorrow.

Hyunjin and others were in the dinning room

Minho : Hyunjin we got some information about black star gang. So this is their info.

Han : Seems like they have involved in this business for many years. They are selling illegal weapons. The reports say they have been spotted in the street of busan near the central park last week.

Hyunjin: Yeah I know. That silly boy Felix was roaming there late at night despite of hearing gunshots. He was warned by his friends still he is adamant and took it casually. I taught him lesson by kidnapping him. I hope he won't repeat the same thing.

Changbin : what you kidnapped him ??? He will get to know about our secret base ??? What if he is related to black star???? And your identity???

Hyunjin: Stop thinking about useless things. I am not a fucking idiot like you to bring him and show him the place. My face was covered. I took him to keep him safe. I dropped him at his house that night.

Han : So our Hyunjin cares about Felix ? I see

Minho : Never expected that so cold hearted a person will finally melt.

Hyunjin: Stop it. It's nothing like that.

Bang chan : so what is it ? Didn't you give him an umbrella today thinking that he will feel cold and now you caught cold ?

Changbin: ohh so caringgg

Hyunjin: Stop fooling around and focus.

*Someone comes downstairs

Jennie: Well it's already late. You all should sleep already.

Hyunjin: Fine.

*Alarm ringing

Felix's POV
Ugh again this tiresome morning. Same routine. Its time to go to school.

*At school

??: Felixieeeee

Jeongin came and hugged Felix from behind.

Jeongin: Guess what ?

Felix : What?

Jeongin: Somebody proposed meee you knowe yesterday it was raining a perfect weathers for lovers. And you know thunderstorm is a sign of falling in love like starting of a feeling.

Felix : Whoa whoa calm down. Who proposed you ??? Who is the lucky girl ?

Jeongin: Does it have to be necessarily a girl ?

Felix: Huh ? What?

Jeongin. It's a guy. You silly, it's Seungmin.

Felix: Wth??! He is literally your best friend???

Jeongin: Yep but now we are more than that. You are my bestie.

Felix: Um so isn't it a bit weird for a guy to fall in love with other guy.

Jeongin: Absolutely stupid. There shouldn't be any gender in love. The fact that he loves me truly. I don't want anything else. I am sure you are gonna fall for someone like that

Felix :What ? Me ? No chance.

Jeongin: We will see 😏


Felix's POV

Today Jeogin is really sticking too much to Seungmin. And Seungmin is clinging more to Jeongin. Why does it makes me feel so single.. I wish Hyunjin would treat me like this. Seriously what's wrong with me. Why would I think about him.

Hyunjin: What???

Felix : Huh what ?

Hyunjin: How do you want me to treat you? Tie you, and dig the ground and bury you and throw the shovel ?

Felix POV

Did I say that too loud ? Oh man holy shit-

Felix : Uh no. Nothing. Come on. Don't behave like that. You are giving me the vibes of Wednesday Addams.

Hyunjin: Whatever. Better watch out what are you thinking about me.

Felix : Yes.....

After class during break.

Jeongin: see my ringg

Seungmin: See my one babe

Felix: Uh you two are making me feel so single. Can you uh stop for a moment ? I don't wantt to be singlee I regret itt.

Seungmin: Don't worry soon you will have someone for yourself 😉

Felix: whennnn

Jeongin:maybe it will be the person infront of you

*Suddenly someone bumps into felix

??: Ouch .... I am sorry

Felix: Oh hey be careful

Felix saw a girl who just fell on him. They stared at each other for a moment then suddenly the girl got up. And bowed as an apology. Felix got up and bowed too.

??: I am sorry.... I was in hurry... I have to go....i am a new student here....

*The girl ran away

Felix was still staring at the direction of the girl. He was stood still.

Jeongin : Mr Lee let's snap back to reality. Are you ok ?

Felix - Oh y-yes I am

Seungmin : Looks like someone had love at first sight.

Felix : No come on nothing happened. But yeah she is kind for apologizing many don't..

Jeongin: okay back to class..

*They went back to the class. Hyunjin stood at the corner watched those scenes as he was tearing up at that moment...

Hyunjin 's POV I feeling like this....she just fell on him.... nothing happened.....why am I feeling something weird.... Come on I am not like this.... I can't show my emotions.... I have to stay strong....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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