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Felix woke up next morning. He found himself lying in the living room. Felix was confused. His head hurts. Then Felix remembered how he ran last night after whatever he saw. He sighed in relief that no one saw him.

He looked at the clock. It was 5 am. He got up and changed his clothes.

Felix's POV

1 hour is left for getting ready. I am feeling so tired. I want to sleep for sometime. My head is aching as well. I have to get up at 6 am and prepare to go to school.

Felix went back to sleep. When he woke up he saw 10 mins left for the school to start. Felix jumped out from his bed and wore his school uniform and rushed towards school.

He waited for the bus which came 5 mins late. After he boarded it, he reached his destination. He ran to the main gate when it was almost closed. He requested them to open. They did. He rushed to the classroom. While climbing the stairs he fell so hard that his right knee started bleeding. He could barely stand up but still he managed to get up. Felix ran eventhough his leg was bleeding.
He reached the classroom when the teacher almost left. The teacher scolded him.

Teacher : Where have you been Felix ?

Felix: Uh sir... actually.... I woke up late and missed the bus... I was too tired.

Teacher: No excuses Felix. You need a punishment. Go and sit on your knees on floor. You will never forget to wake up late from the next time.

Felix : But sir... My leg-

Teacher : first if all you came late, and now you are my making excuses ??! The audacity you have ?!!

Felix: I am sorry sir.....

Teacher : Anyways, another punishment you have to bring your father's sign.

Felix : Sir I don't have father....

Teacher: Oh. So your mother ?

Felix: She is not with me at present. She went because one of our distant relative is sick...

Teacher: Anyways, you will get detention. You have to stay for 2hours more after this school hour ends.

Felix: Sir... I am staying alone and-

Teacher: What ?

Felix: Nothing....

Teacher: Ok sit like that on the floor on your knees.

Teacher went out and many stared at Felix. Many were laughing except Jeongin, Seugmin , and surprisingly Hyunjin.

Felix did not dare to say that he had seen some kinds of people who are called mafia. He was scared if this news spreads then he will be kidnapped by them.

The punishment was for 1 hr. After he got up. His leg started bleeding more due to the rough surface. He tried to walk but hardly he could.

Hyunjin ignored Felix as always. During recess he noticed that Felix was having problem in walking and that is when he noticed that he got hurt on his knees.

Hyunjin: Hey.

Felix:Y-yes H-Hyunjin ?

Hyunjin: How did you get hurt ?

Felix : Oh this doesn't matters it will be fine. You don't have to worry about it.

Hyunjin: I am not at all worried. But you have to come with me and get the first aid box if you don't want this to be infected.

Felix: Let it be. None of your business. Even if it gets infected. It can't kill me atleast.

Hyunjin: Shut the fuck up and come with me.

Hyunjin pulled Felix and went to take the first aid box. He gently put medicine on his knee. Felix was shocked to see this. Hyunjin looked so worried eventhough he acted cold. There was some tenderness in his voice for Felix.

Felix : Uh Thank You.

Hyunjin: K. Bye. I have to go. If you want I can stay with you in your detention. Just an offer. Don't think that I am worried.

Felix: Ok. But no need to stay I can manage. I have some work after school though.

Hyunjin: Better go home and forget that work. Bye.

Hyunjin went. Felix was amazed at his caring side. But still he wanted to go somewhere so after school he went for his 'work'. It was quite late when he returned. He decided to take shortcut so he went to the dark alley. Suddenly in the middle of it someone pulled Felix.

???: Who are you ? What are you doing here ?? You are agent right?!

Felix : Sir I don't k-k-know y-you. P-please l-let-

??: Shut up. I won't leave you so easily.

Felix screamed for help and then suddenly he fainted. The next thing when he saw after getting up is-

Guys I have written more than half of the story long back. So I have written the other half now. I want to let you all know I will not be able to upload any chapters or stories until 1st April. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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