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Felix and Hyunjin returned home and saw Felix's mother standing..

Felix's mother : Where were you both ??!

Felix looked down...his eyes were red and teary..he don't want to show his mother that he was sad for the memories of his brother... It would make his mother sad too so he kept quiet. Suddenly Hyunjin spoke...

Hyunjin : Actually we went to that 14th floor...umm.. terrace to watch the veiw...it was quite good indeed !

Felix's mother : Oh...good to hear... okay now get ready for school you both...

They both went back to get ready for their school...then they had breakfast and was waiting for Felix's mother to lock the door of the apartment.

As they were on their way to school... Felix noticed that his mother was heading to his school.. Felix was shocked...so he asked his mother...

Felix: Mom...why are heading to my school first...? Aren't you supposed to drop Hyunjin to school first and then me...?

Felix's mother: Umm... I..just changed my mind... I think Hyunjin doesn't have any problem with it...do you, Hyunjin ?

Hyunjin : No ?

Felix's mother : Okay..

Soon they reached Felix school and Felix got down from the car and looked behind with a faint smile waving ar his mother and Hyunjin. But this time Hyunjin smiled and waved at him too. Felix was shocked by that. Suddenly a person placed his hand on Felix's shoulder.

??? : Yo dude !! At whom are you staring so much ?

Felix : Oh... I am just waving at my mom and my friend

The guy who was keeping his hand on Felix looked at the scene Felix was watching and suddenly withdrew his hands from his shoulder as someone's cold stare was scaring the shit out of him.

Yeonjun : Umm...sorry...i guess... I gotta go...see you later..

Yeonjun ran away. Felix was confused. He ignored it and went to his classroom.

Felix's mother drove the car to Hyunjin's school... As soon as they reached...

Felix's mother : Hyunjin there is something I need to tell you...

Hyunjin : Yes aunt..?

Felix's mother : Don't take it otherwise...but whatever happens I want my Felix to be safe... He is the only one left to me... I won't be able to bear to lose him..so never let Felix know your real identity...

Hyunjin (shocked tone): What ??? You know that I am....

Felix's mother : Yes I do...

Hyunjin : But...how...?

Felix's mother : Your parents and we were friends before...so I know you all to some extent.... But I don't want my Felix to get involve in all of this... I hope you understand...

Hyunjin : Yes...

Felix's mother : Thanks... Now you must go to school otherwise you might me late...

Hyunjin : K...

Hyunjin walked silently and enter the school.

*Time skips

Bell rang and teachers enter. All students wished the teacher.

After the class ended. Felix went to Yeonjun to ask him what happened...But before he could even say anything... Yeonjun started

Yeonjun : Who was that guy bro ?

Felix : What ? Whom are you talking about ?

Yeonjun : The guy who was in the car when you were waving at your mother. He was giving me a death stare as soon as I placed my hand on your shoulder hardly

Felix : Uh... nevermind...he looks like that but he isn't that scary... He is Hwang Hyunjin... His parents had some work so they had to go to other countries but they didn't want Hyunjin to hamper his studies so he is living in our apartment.

Yeonjun : Oh....

Felix : He is my new friend...(murmuring) but I feel like he is more close to me...

Yeonjun : what ? Did you say anything else ? 😏

Felix : Umm..no ? I mean he is like my brother and nothing else....

Yeonjun : ok... I see 👀

suddenly the teacher enters the class and announces something....

Kim Namjoon : Good morning students... I have an announcement that there is a music competition in our school... And I want you all to participate so submit your names by the day after tommorow

Everyone was cheerful and happy... But Felix teared up.....

Felix : Sir ? May I go to washroom ?

Namjoon : Yes

Felix ran away and went to bathroom..he locked the door and started crying...the memories...are coming back again...

Felix : I want to participate....but no... I won't participate... I left everything my brother used to love... I promised myself I will never sing or rap or dance...

Felix kept on crying...until the bell rang...he decided to go back to his classroom

* In Hyunjin's school

It was lunch break... Everyone gathered in the canteen and many went to playground

Hyunjin took his tiffin and sat silently in one corner

Mark : Hey bestie !! What happened ? Why are you looking so down today ? Is there any problem

Hyunjin : No...no problem...just not feeling well...

Mark : Oh...ok... I hope so...

Hyunjin :Let's go back to class. I am not feeling well anymore. When will this school end ??

In class, teacher was teaching but something was diverting Hyunjin's mind...he was busy thinking about Felix but he doesn't know why. Suddenly the teacher called him.

Kang Taehyun : Hyunjin, would like to solve this math problem ?

Hyunjin : Yes sir...

He went and solved the math problem on the blackboard easily. Everyone was shocked

Kang Taehyun : Good job Hyunjin but I guess you should pay a bit attention in the class.

Hyunjin : Ok sir.

*Time skips back at home

Felix was looking sad. Hyunjin was curious but he didn't wanted to think Felix that he cares for him... He saw Felix was crying while holding his bag... Hyujin asked Felix

Hyunjin : What happened to you today ? You look unhappy. I was just asking don't take it otherwise

Felix : No nothing...

Felix left his bag in the living room and went back to him room....

Hyunjin was very curious to know...he didn't like that Felix was sad...

He checked that if there is anyone or not... When be found there was no one he checked his bag and found...

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