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Three of them entered the class and the first thing they saw is....

Hyunjin ?!!!

Felix shouted as soon as they entered the class.

Hyunjin : Gosh who is shouting my name now ?!! Oh it's you again ?!! God dammit why don't you ever leave me alone ?!!

Felix : Aren't you happy to see me ?

Felix said in a soft tone. He still hopes that Hyunjin would behave with him nicely.

Hyunjin imitated Felix and rolled his eyes.

Hyunjin : Eww !! You are so like soft and girly. Ughh you are just seriously so cringey. I don't know how did you even take admission in this school and why are you even in my class ?!!

Jeongin comforted Felix who was on the verge of crying.

Jeongin : Mr. Hwang Hyunjin you don't owe this class. So you are no one to say that who will stay here or go away.

Bangchan, Minho, Jisung and Changbin his gang members were shocked as well as the whole class.

Hyunjin : How dare you disrespect me ?!! For this whole damn loser ?!!!

Bangchan tried to calm Hyunjin. As soon as the bell rang everyone went back to their places.

Felix sat beside Jeongin.

Jeongin : It's okay Felix don't worry everything.

Felix nodded.

Teacher entered the class and the whole class wished her.

Teacher : Good morning everyone my name is Ms. Jeongyeon. So today I would like to introduce our new student. I think he is present in the class.

Teacher pointed at the blonde hair boy.

Felix went to the teacher and began to introduce himself but nobody was paying attention to him except Jeongin and Seungmin. After Felix finished introducing him he was upset and they weren't even looking at him.

Jeongyeon : So ok class. Felix, nice to meet you too.

Felix went to back to his seat.

Jeongyeon : So this year, I will decide with whom you all will sit. So I request everyone to get up from their seats. Let's start with Felix.

Felix was sweating and he was completely nervous.

Jeongyeon : Sit beside Hyunjin.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it. Hyunjin was too annoyed.

Hyunjin : Teacher I don't -

Jeongyeon - Hyunjin and Felix you both will be class partners now go and sit accordingly.

Hyunjin sat beside Felix with his death stare and annoyed face as he gave Felix a look like 'if you sit beside me I am gonna kill you bish'. Felix was scared but he was happy internally to sit beside Hyunjin. Felix sat beside him.

Jeongyeon : Good. So now, Bangchan sit beside Changbin, Minho beside Jisung and Jeongin beside Seungmin...

Ms. Jeongyeon told the whole class to sit accordingly and they did as well.

Hyunjin didn't even look at Felix. He was totally unbothered.

*At tiffin break

Felix : Hyujinnie- uh - I mean Hyunjin will you sit beside me in canteen.

Hyunjin : Do you really think I will sit beside a damn loser ?!! Seriously !!! Why didn't I just shoot myself before sitting with a loser ?!!

Hyunjin rushed out and Felix was there alone until Jeongin came to cheer him up.

Jeongin : Don't worry everything will be fine. Let's go to canteen together. You don't need Hyunjin when you have us.

Felix was sad but somehow he agreed to go with them and faked his smile.

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