The Masked Man

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Felix after gaining his concious saw that he was sitting in a room. It wasn't bright, there was 1 or 2 dim lights glowing. He found himself tied to a chair.

Felix's POV

Where am I...? Why am I feeling dizzy...? Do I know this place....?

Suddenly Felix heard someone' s footsteps. His heart was beating fast , he was drenched in his sweat. As soon as the person entered the Felix. Felix shut his eyes tightly.

??: So you are the person. My guards brought here?

Felix was still closing his eyes shut.

??: Open your eyes right now.

Felix opened his eyes and saw a tall man wearing a black shirts and pants and found a gun pointed at his head.

??: What were you doing so late at night?

Felix: P-pl-please l-leave m-me sir....

Felix said sobbing hard.

??: (Laughing) Do you think we let an agent go easily ?

Felix: N-no s-sir. I am n-not a- an agent....

??: Stop stuttering and speak clearly.

Felix : Please sir I beg you leave me.... It was late at night so I thought to take a shortcut through that dark alley. Then suddenly I felt that someone held me and they put something which made me dizzy.

??: So, Lee Felix th-

Felix: How did you know my name?!!


The masked person held his cheeks tighter. Felix stared at his eyes.

Felix: I am sorry sir.... This won't happen again.... I beg you....forgive me...

??: Good for you that it's your first time and I am not killing you. Reminding you of something.I am the most dangerous mafia. So, don't dare to take any actions against me if you don't want to die the most painful death. You know even if you die, your death will be unknown to everyone.

Felix heart was beating faster each time. He was scared af.

??: The first warning for you is to leave this house right now. Second, don't dare to tell anyone about whatever happened last night. Third, don't go out late at night. Lastly, reminding you that we are watching you.

Felix nodded.

??: Guards, blindfold him and leave him to his home. Tie his mouth as well. Come back withing 15 mins. We have some info. I don't want to wait for long time.

The guards nodded and they went to drop Felix to his house.

*Next morning.

Felix 's POV

Where am I....? Am I still in that dark room.... That masked man....??? I am scared....

Felix rubbed his eyes to get a clear vision and he found himself lying on the floor of his house.

Felix 's POV

Fortunately I am at my house. Was it a dream...? If it was a dream why will I be lying on the floor. But not gonna lie that masked man scared the shit out of me. I was on the verge of fainting. I don't know why but somehow I feel that he is familiar to me. Do I know him....? Have I seen him before....?

Suddenly Felix looked at the clock and saw that he was getting late for his classes. So he made some food and hurried to his school.

The thought of that black masked man was running through his head the entire day. He couldn't pay attention to his classes. At times, when Hyunjin passed near him. He felt something different.

Felix was walking in the classroom and thinking about whatever happened last night so he didn't notice other things around him, when suddenly he tripped over a someone's leg and fell on top of Hyunjin again.

Hyunjin was damned annoyed by it this time.

Hyunjin: You fucking bitch ?!!!!! Why do you always fall on me ??!! Damn fucking hell I hate this stinky people.

Felix didn't say anything. He was still silent and thinking about the same thought. Suddenly, he looked at Hyunjin's eyes and he was startled.

Felix didn't say anything but hurried towards his home after his detention was over.

Even when Felix slept the thought was still running through his head.

Felix : Is Hyunjin and the black masked man the same.....? can't be..... I have to find out.....

 I have to find out

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