Chapter 5

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Zoey's POV

Spending time with Nik was exhilarating! I've never been so close to someone as handsome, or screams as much authority as him.

"How was the date?" Poppy slaps my arm playfully as I plop next to her on the couch.

Date? Is that what it was?

"I don't think that was a date." I giggle.

"Girl, that was definitely a date. I saw him look at you through the window."

"How was he looking at me?" I ask, clearly oblivious to him looking at me at all.

I'm not much to look at. I don't have the super model legs, the toned stomach, the bombshell boobs, or the confidence for someone to be interested in dating me.

"Like he wanted to eat you up." She winks.

My stomach drops, "shut up." I laugh.

"Call him." An evil smirk grows on Poppy's face.

"Heck no! He just left."

Her sea green eyes roll to the back of her head as a strangled sound leaves her throat.

"I'll do it for you then." She lunges for my phone.

I quickly hide it under my body, causing her to tickle me. I thrash around, laughing loudly as I try to ignore her fingers digging into my ribs.

"Give it." She laughs.

"Never!" I yell through the laughter.

My butt begins to slip off of the couch, making me slide down to the floor. My shirt has ridden up to expose my bra, to which I quickly fix.

"Got it!" Poppy yells and runs to the bathroom.

Electricity jolts my legs into action until I'm met with the bathroom door closing in my face.

"Poppy," I whine, "you're going to make him hate me."

"Shut up and listen."

A dial tone rides the sound waves right to my ears.

Please don't answer.

"Zoey? Are you okay?" Nik asks in a concerned tone.

"She's okay," Poppy begins, I can practically hear the cheesy smile she's wearing, "she was just telling me about how badly she wants to see you again."

Next bridge I see...

"Oh yeah? Tell her the guys and I will pick her up tomorrow morning. Be sure she wears something comfortable." His voice is deep and laced with amusement.

"The guys?" Poppy's voice cracks with excitement.

"Poppy, please!" I beg through the door for all of this nonsense to stop.

"Seems as if you've got an upset Zoey on your hands. Tell her about tomorrow." He says before hanging up.

Poppy opens the bathroom door while a Cheshire grin, handing me my phone back.

"You, my dear best friend, have a date."

I take my phone and sigh, "thank you."

"The guys, huh." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I giggle with a nod, "Nik, Jett, and Wyatt."

Her eyes show something deep inside them, but I can't decipher what.

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