Chapter 12

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Wyatt's POV

Her dimples displayed on her face as we all hug her goodbye show me how happy she truly is.

She is very open minded, only having marked out three things.

As soon as her and Nik leave to bring her back home, I go to my room and think about how we got so lucky to have gotten someone like her into our lives.

She's a gift.

The way her face twisted in melancholy as I explained why I couldn't participate in blood play tinged my heart. She's so innocent, so easily letting her emotions slip.

Over the next few days, we all text in the group chat, making me miss her even more.

Me: When can we see you? I miss you, doll.

Jett: I miss you mord.

Jett: Morf.

Jett: More, fuck.

Doll: I'm off for a week starting tomorrow.

Nikolaus: A week? How?

That does seem a little suspicious, nobody gets a week off work so easily.

Doll: I kind of dropped a whole plate of food on a customer and that customer was very upset...maybe.

Me: Are you alright?

Nikolaus: Doug is making you take a whole week off for that?

I can feel Nik and Jett's anger. They don't like Doug, I don't either but I try to stay calm about it.

Doll: Yes and yes. The customer got hot soup spilled on him so he was a little angry and Doug said I should be fired but instead just gave me a week off with half pay.

Jett: I'm going to go there and tal to him.

Jett: Talm

Jett: Damn it! Talk!

Doll: No, it's okay. I actually need a break from that place anyways. At least I didn't get fired.

All three of us made sure you wouldn't get fired, doll.

Nikolaus: Come stay with us for a couple of days.

Doll: I'd love to! Let me just talk to Poppy about it.

Poppy. She seems like a good friend.

The day drags on while waiting for Zoey to tell us about her conversation with Poppy.

Nik has told us they don't live in a safe area, I would hate for something bad to happen to them, both of them. If Zoey were to lose Poppy...she will probably never be the same.

From what I've gathered, Poppy basically saved her life and gave her a chance when nobody else would.

It's disgusting how a group home can just push you out as soon as you're eighteen without any help or preparation. I can't imagine how life has been for that poor girl. I want to ask about her parents or if she even remembers them, but I don't want to cut open old wounds.

My parents were nice, they worked a ton so they weren't around a lot. I was an only child so it got pretty lonely at times.

The woman who changed me on the other hand, she was cruel. She made me think she was a friend, lured me in to her trap of love by her beauty and soft spoken words. It was all an act though, she wasn't who I met years before, she was no longer someone I could call a friend.

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