Chapter 57

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Zoey's POV

Nik informs everyone that he ordered this guy named Louis to watch over Tammy's house whenever they found out she was hexed. Nothing suspicious has been happening and he's been stationed there since the middle of summer. I'm happy to know that Nik relieved him of that duty and he can now roam a free vampire.

Ruth and Henry stayed for dinner and left a few hours after. They had a few drinks but I doubt alcohol affects vampires like it does humans.

I went to sleep soon after that. Everyone agreed to Brina doing the ritual on me after breakfast.

I'm elated to finally get rid of this evil inside of me. I can finally live normally, like I did before I knew that I have in fact killed innocent people before.

Fear of the unknown looms over me though. Thoughts of spontaneously combusting give me the cold sweats as I shower yesterday off of my skin. Even the feeling of cleanliness isn't enough to comfort me. But I have to do this, I want to do this.

I shakily turn the shower knob, watching as the last puddles of water circle the drain.

With a white towel wrapped around my wet body, I sit on the edge of the tub to catch my breath. I breathe in deeply to calm my racing heart. It's weird that it can feel like it's about to beat out of my chest but on the outside I look almost totally normal. Maybe just a slight pink hue to my cheeks and the trembling of my fingers.

"Zoey?" Brina calls out for me.

With a few heavy steps towards the bathroom door, I open it and finally reveal myself.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be scared." She gives me a calming smile.

I nod, knowing she's not going to hurt me.

"The guys wanted me to let you know that breakfast is ready."

"Thank you." I give her a strained smile, trying to act natural and not like I'm freaking out on the inside.

Once she leaves, I leisurely tug on my brown long sleeve shirt over my bra and dark washed blue jeans, not forgetting the fluffy socks that keep my feet warm from these wooden floors from freaking Narnia or something. I've never felt floors as cold as these.

My feet patter down the steps and into the dining room where the guys have a whole restaurant on the dining room table. I don't think they'll ever learn that humans need food like this to survive and it's not cool to waste. I'm glad Brina is here to help me though. I also know the three vampires will eat the most of this food.

I grab a small plate, knowing eating this morning will be a struggle.

"Nuh-uh," Nik takes my small plate and replaces it with a much larger, regular plate, "you're eating good this morning, love. You need the strength."

I take the large plate with a sigh. Eating with no appetite is a struggle, sometimes when my mental state is really bad, I gag just from the thought of food. At least it's not that bad this morning.

Just to make everyone happy, I load my plate up. Two sausage links, a waffle with whipped cream and strawberries, an English muffin with cream cheese and jam, and a large serving of hashbrowns that has onions cooked into it.

It all undoubtedly looks good, but my stomach is screaming to stay empty.

I can do this. Eating is simple, people eat when they aren't hungry all the time. I chant to myself.

Laying my plate next to Jett and Wyatt, I plop in the seat between them. Jett will keep me distracted while Wyatt helps me finish my food.

Brina sits next to Nik on the other side of the table with a ton of papers surrounding them, going over the plan again to make sure everything plays out nicely.

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