Chapter 55

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Zoey's POV

Yesterday knocked me out.

For the rest of the day, they all had to help me with the simplest everyday tasks. Nik helped me shower, Jett helped me move from one place to the other, and Wyatt fed me.

But I wouldn't have it any other way. It was fun! Although, my body is so sore I still can't sit super comfortably, it just reminds me of how they all made me feel.

At first I was embarrassed, especially seeing Jett down there. But when it started feeling good...all those second thoughts washed away.

I'm so happy Nik decided to mark me! I've been waiting for what seems like forever for him to do that but I know it wasn't something I could rush.

The mark still hasn't formed yet. It's still only two irritated and painful holes in my neck with scattered purple bruises. Jett said the bruises were hickeys and that they happened when Nik was kissing my neck. They surprisingly don't hurt, they look like they would though. Deep purple and slightly blue.

I am definitely getting impatient though. I really want to see what the mark will look like! I bet it'll be super pretty and intricate.

Cutting me from my thoughts, Jett walks up to me in the sun room with a glass of water.

"Drink, baby." He instructs.

I take the glass and sip on it as he sits next to me.

"I was just talking to Poppy." I admit.

His eyebrows furrow, "talking to her?"

I nod, "I know she can't hear me, but maybe...just maybe it'll help me feel better."

He sighs, wrapping his muscular arm around me, "well, did you eventually feel better without your parents?"

I take a moment to think. Not really.

"No, the pain is still there just as strong as the day they died. I guess I just learned how to live with that pain."

Jett pulls me tighter into him. I know he feels bad. It's kind of sad to know that all three of them know loss. Well, maybe not Nik. His parents are vampires. But Jett and Wyatt's parents were human and they died.

Jett watches me as I gulp down the water. I honestly hate drinking water, it's just so plain and flavorless. I much prefer orange soda or even grape soda.

Once the water is done, Jett takes the glass and sets it on the floor.

"How about a movie?" He suggests.

I perk up in my seat, "a Christmas movie?" I ask.

I love Christmas. I usually get depressed around this time of year even though I absolutely love Christmas. Probably because I didn't have a family. But now, I have a family! Nik marking me technically means we're married, right?

"Of course, baby. If that's what you want." He smiles.

I bubbly stand from the seat and take Poppy's urn from the table and follow Jett to the theater, being careful to not drop Poppy and shatter her on the floor.

Nik and Wyatt meet us in the theater soon after.

While I'm picking out candy, I'm reminded by the first day of being here. I remember that I wanted a little bit of everything and the guys made sure I took whatever I wanted. They made me feel so welcomed as soon as I walked through the doors.

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