Chapter 41

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Wyatt's POV

My fingers stretch across the piano as I play Schumann.

He's always been one of my favorite composers, you can feel the sadness, the love, happiness, and fear within his music. My parents introduced me to his music when I was a kid, at first, like any kid, I didn't care about classical music. I only wanted to play outside with my friends. But now I enjoy his lovely melodies.

A pair of soft hands run across my back. I can already tell by the size that it's Zoey. I must've been so enthralled by the music and hitting all the correct notes that I didn't hear the door creek open.

"Hey, doll." I greet her with a smile.

She returns a smile of her own as I scoot over on the wooden bench and pat the seat.

"What're you playing?" She asks as she sits next to me.

I place my hands back onto the piano keys, "Schumann, he's from the eighteen hundreds."

She sits silently swaying to the tune as I continue to play from his music sheet. No moves were made to interrupt the music, she was truly enjoying it.

"Show me." Her voice comes out soft and quiet.

Her hands hover above the keys, waiting for instruction.

Guiding her hands to the keys, she looks up at me with doe eyes. Big blue saucers I could get lost in for forever without a care in the world.

With my hands over hers, I press our fingers into the keys. Her skin is soft as a flower petal and warm like the sun on a spring day. It only reminds me that she is human, fragile, beautiful, and alive. She is so easily the most perfect woman I've ever seen, the thought of anyone else is foreign.

As soon as the song is done, my hands linger on top of hers.

The small room filled with only a piano on top of a wooden floor and two white chairs becomes darker as clouds drift over the sun.

Her eyes sparkle in the silence.

My head slowly leans in as hers does the same. We inch closer and closer to each other, feeling our hands fall from the piano and into her lap where they rest comfortably.

Our lips meet somewhere in the middle as the sun peaks back out from the clouds, lighting the room back up with it's warmth. Similar to the warmth her kiss makes me feet inside.

She leans into my touch as my hand cups her cheek while I deepen the kiss. With dancing tongues, I feel her scoot impossibly closer to me.

I can smell her sweet arousal. It's a mix between honey and sandalwood with a touch of her natural scent that I've fallen for so easily.

Wet already, doll?

I pull her by the hips to have her sit on top of my lap.

The piano makes a horrid screech as her butt slides against it but we pay it no mind. We don't even break the kiss.

She giggles as our lips mold together, making me also chuckle at the ugly sound we created.

"I like our song better." She whispers.

Our song.

"I couldn't agree more, doll." I say before kissing her jaw bone, working my way to her neck.

After sliding her blonde locks out of the way, I plant my lips on her neck. I can feel chills form on her delicate skin.

I allow one of my hands to reach up to the back base of her head and gently tug her hair back, forcing her to tilt her head to give me as much access to her neck as I want, earning a small, soft gasp.

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