Chapter 42

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Zoey's POV

Stupid wooden bench! It gave me a killer splinter.

A small drop of blood splatters onto the floor.

Okay, maybe it's a little more than a splinter.

Wyatt scrambles to put his pants back on, his eyes dilating and shaking hands.

"Wyatt? What's wrong?" I ask, reaching out to grab his arm.

Vampires' eyes dilate when they are feeling strong emotion...what emotion is he feeling right now?

Wyatt pulls away from me before I can touch him. His adams apple bobs as he makes contact with my bleeding finger.

Oh crap.

"Get out of here, Zoey." Wyatt warns me, using my actual name and not "doll". I like his nickname for me, and he should only call me by my real name if I did something wrong, which I don't believe I did.

Before I can get snappy, the door busts open revealing a frazzled Jett.

His eyes scan my body, making me realize he hasn't seen me naked yet. I slowly cover myself with my hands as another drop of blood hits the floor.

As if the drop was going in slow motion, Jett's eyes follow the droplet until it splats on the floor.

"Come on, baby. Nobody is in the hallway, I'll grab your clothes." Jett says as he rushes me out into the hallway, cold and naked.

Chills spread on my skin as the cool hallway air assaults my warmed skin deprived of clothing.

Jett rushes out of the room and lifts me into his arms before I can protest.

In the blink of an eye, we are in my room.

As soon as he sets me down, he inspects my finger. It stings, but it's not too bad. I've had a lot worse than this before.

"Go ahead and get your clothes on, baby. I'm going to get stuff to clean you up and get that splinter out." Jett tells me.

Oh, well if you allow me to put my clothes back on... I mentally snap back.

I shuffle my inside out clothes around, putting them on just like Jett instructed.

When I'm done, I sit on my bed and poke at the wound to see how deep it is. I can see the splinter that is embedded about half an inch into my finger faintly until blood covers it.

Jett returns quickly with antiseptic, a band-aide, and some candy.

I look at the candy, not even noticing the playful grin on his face. It makes me feel bad that I was almost snappy with him before he left, he only wants to help.

"You get this," he holds up the chocolate, "after you get fixed up. Deal?"

I nod and throw out my finger, ready to get this over with so I can just eat the candy and cuddle.

As soon as Jett sits on the bed, my hand shakes in fear.

This is going to hurt, this is going to suck.

"Done." He chirps.

I look at my band-aide covered finger, clean of blood.

That went by faster than a dang bullet train!

He holds out the chocolate with a sly smirk. As I'm about to grab it, her pulls it away.

His icy blue orbs dance around my neck as a smirk sits on his face.

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