Chapter 217

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C217 - Love Triangles And Love Squares Part7

After their disastrous evening outing, Runyan and Mignani ended up having a fun low-key girls night out.

This is was the first time Runyan was visiting Mignani's villa and she was utterly amazed.

"He He. Why are you so shocked Yan Yan? Once upon a time, I was also a bright star with several accolades!" Mignani chuckled.

She excitedly pulled Runyan to the huge glass case in the living room, and showed all her trophies.

"Waah! So many!" Runyan patiently looked at every single trophy and cheered for her friend.

She couldn't help but notice that all the awards and accolades had stopped three years back.

She was surprised since Mignani's major scandal about her having a bald spot in her head only broke out two years ago.

She had always assumed that Mignani's popularity had dropped drastically because of that scandal, forcing her to drop from a goddess in everyone's heart to just another normal woman.

Actresses were also normal women but fans always put them up on a pedestal and held them as goddesses in their hearts.

And it was important for an actress to maintain this goddess status and keep persevering on that tall pedestal.

Otherwise, just like Mignani their status would also plummet, even in the span of a single night.

So Runyan was visibly surprised when she noticed Mignani's career deteriorating way before that.

"Min'er, did something happen three years ago?" She concernedly looked at Mignani and enquired.

Partly because she wanted to share her friend's pain, but also because they needed to know what they were up against, since they were trying to boost Mignani's career again.

"Mmm… Something did happen." Mignani's excited smile immediately disappeared and was replaced with a frown.

"It's okay, Min'er. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Runyan decided to not pry into her friend's painful memories.

But Mignani shook her head and smiled. "It's okay. It's already old news at this point. Do you know the Lan family?"

Runyan nodded. They were one of the prominent families in the city and she was familiar with them.

"My ex-manager and my traitorous best friend, Lang Miha, using her well-honed social skills, finally hooked on to a scum from the Lan family that year."

"I always knew that she had this dark side to her, wanting to climb up in social status by hugging a golden thigh, but who didn't?"

"So I ignored it and didn't mind it quite so much."

"But the snake which was circling around her. Suddenly, turned it's head and started targeting me."

"This was the same guy who tried to drug me in front of you and Su Lin, when we went to that awards ceremony."

"I really don't understand how can someone who is as cold and calculative as Lang Miha, fail to see how disgusting that toad was."

"While he was bedding her privately, he was trying to hit on me publicly."

"I ignored his advances, and even rudely refused them, but the disgusting man kept pushing. I believe this was when our friendship strained and Lang Miha started looking at me as her enemy."

"I am not sure if they colluded together, but Lan Yishen stopped courting me in public and started harassing me in private."

"He would be there in every event I attended and always behaved inappropriately with me. At one point, I couldn't take it anymore and slapped him in public."

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