Chapter 244 The difference between diamond and trash! Part1

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 244 - The difference between diamond and trash! Part1

The cultivation conclave soon arrived and the entire mountain was buzzing with activity. Clan elders and strong experts from all nine gates had arrived at the first gate.

Even the traitor, Jonas Augustin, the ninth gate patriarch and the person who had made Luther's life miserable was present.

He was happily laughing and chatting with the other gate elders as if he hadn't committed any of the grave atrocious sins and he was simply just any other person making his presence for a gala.

Ella stood at the other end of the huge gathering and stared daggers at him as if she wanted to rush over to the man and kill him and mutilate him into a thousand pieces, feeding everything to her personally trained hunting dogs.

"Ella, please dear. Not now. Everything is almost..." John sighed, stopping his words of consolation. He could tell that the woman wasn't even listening to his words.

How could she? He single-handedly ruined their whole family.

However, thankfully, a few elders walked over to Ella and started a conversation with her, at least somewhat taking her attention away from the traitor.

Ella might have taken her gaze away from him, but Jonas was not lucky enough for a certain someone to do so as well.

In the large palatial building, located on the tallest peak of the mountain, there were about a hundred elders gathered, but among them currently was a woman who clearly didn't belong there.

Unlike the others whose bodies were just merely touched by spirit qi, her body was brimming from top to bottom in energy.

Her skin was as smooth as jade and her eyes twinkled with an unfathomable depth. There wasn't a single trace of impurity in her entire body.

She had long silky hair and delicious cherry red lips, on which only seconds ago hung a warm smile. However, no such warmth was present on her face any longer.

Su Lin stared at the man who was happily chatting. Jonas Augustin! The clan leader of the ninth gate! And the person who had kidnapped and tortured Luther!

The meridians in her body constantly contracted and expanded as if she was doing everything she can to stop herself from unleashing hell onto the people gathered here.

Ella might have been distracted enough to not pay attention to him, but Su Lin's eyes were fixated on the man like a hawk.

If he moved right, her eyes darted to the right. If he moved left, her eyes darted to the left.

Even the person of interest himself could feel her stare boring into his back. He was sweating profusely despite the cool chilly altitude of the mountain and he felt a sense of impending doom.

Jonas Augustin couldn't shake the feeling that someone here had a clear undisguised killing intent towards him. However, he didn't think that it was a big deal.

Almost everyone here wanted to kill him and he already knew it!

But he was not anxious or sad or threatened by it. Rather he considered that to be his victory!

So what if they were angry and upset with him? So what if they wanted to kill! .

Ha ha ha ha! It was all useless because as far as he was concerned the people around him were nothing but a bunch of losers and cowards.

They feared him and he was well aware of it and this was what he wanted as well.

Fear! The fact that he was feared by the most powerful people on the planet gave him such thrill and excitement.

Here he was... right in front of so many elders. They all know the atrocities he had committed. Yet they couldn't even lift a finger against him.

This was power! True power!

Even sleeping with a hundred women wouldn't give him such pleasure !

All he now needed was a couple more years. What gates? What clans? Soon he would destroy everything from the ground up and become the uncrowned Emperor of this whole  world.

Jonas Augustin grinned. His confidence in his destiny was absolute.

The man triumphantly gazed back at every single elder who could potentially be eying him with killing intent. His message was loud and clear. Want to be rid of me? Come at me if you dare!

However, the man who arrogantly glanced at the big crowd around him and looked down on them domineeringly, failed to notice one single slender woman standing by herself in a corner.

"Baby! You didn't wait for me?" A warm loving voice sounded and Su Lin turned around to smile at the familiar figure. Her bone chilling cold gaze once again softened and she teasingly giggled.

"I was just playing hide and seek with you, hubby."

"Please no. I admit defeat. No need to play. You win." Luther raised his hands helplessly, surrendering to his pregnant wife.

He had sat down to cultivate and his naughty wifey gave him the slip.

Normally, he would have umed that the evil woman was merely messing with him for her own amusement but considering what day it was today, he didn't dare to take things at face value.

"Is something wrong?" Luther pulled Su Lin close to him, wrapping his arms around her tenderly. He didn't care that they were standing right now amidst a sea of people.

All he cared about was her... and only her.

Su Lin broke away from the man's intense gaze, his eyes peering into hers, into the very depth of her soul. She rested her head gently on his  and sighed.

She didn't want to ruin his day yet, but it was not like he wouldn't notice. "Hubby, will you promise me something?" She asked in a voice that was purposefully gentler than usual.

Luther couldn't help but shudder slightly. Was something seriously wrong? This was the trap voice of his cunning woman!

He patted her and asked again.. "What happened?" His eyes were already searching the room for any potential danger to any of his family members, not the family he was born with.

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

[BOOK 2]The Ceo's Loser Wife: Rebirth of the Villainous Queen of Alchemy [DONE]Where stories live. Discover now