Chapter 232

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Chapter 232 - Heir of the first gate Part4

The next day, it was bȧrėly noon, when Luther's mother and father called him on the phone.

Once John patiently explained to Ella about everything that had happened, the poor woman sobbed uncontrollably.

She couldn't believe that her own brother had done such a heinous deed.

Ella felt like she had once again gravely wronged her son by attacking his family without even talking things through.

She had completely lost all face in front of him and his wife.

Though reluctant to face him again, the poor woman braved herself and made the phone call.

She had already let down her son once before. She didn't dare let him down again.

Even the heavens will not forgive her for such a mistake.

"Slow down, mom. Slow down." Luther slightly chuckled as he consoled his sobbing mother.

She was apologizing profusely without even taking a breather in between.

"Sorry, baby. Please forgive mom." An aggrieved voice sounded through the phone.

"Ok," Luther said. He was in a good mood. So he didn't linger too much on the past grievances.

Besides, he was more eager for everyone to reconcile and travel to the first gate headquarters.

The sooner they reach there, the sooner Su Lin would be able to start helping their baby.

"We will talk to the clan elders and immediately arrange for you to visit." Ella wiped her face with a tissue and murmured.

Her eyes were red and swollen, but the woman still looked breathtakingly beautiful.

It took them a whole week, but by the end of the week, everything was set and the group, along with the two elders reached the city of Brest in Europe by flight.

Luther still didn't trust completely his newfound family so he asked everyone not to reveal anything about Su Lin's pregnancy and other details about how they learned cultivation and martial arts.

He explained to them in detail about the conversation with his father and asked them to stick with the same story.

"Ahem Ahem… First brother, can I please be the genius instead?" Monkey asked.

"I am begging you here. Can you guys at least let me pick up girls in this new place?!"

"Come on. This is my one and only chance."

"You are the long lost heir and I could be the genius who self-learned and taught you cultivation!"

"The minute the first gate ladies hear this information… He He… I bet they will throw themselves at me!" Monkey grinned, with his mind already running a mile a minute.

"Shut up, idiot. It doesn't work like that."

Squirrel reprimanded him and continued discussing with Su Lin about some doubts he had regarding his martial technique.

Now that they will have infinite access to spiritual qi, things were going to be a lot different!

"This is unacceptable! You guys are always plotting against me! Damn it all!" Monkey sulked and went back to a corner.

"Luther is the cultivation genius. It is the only way this story works without involving our master and endangering her life."

"Monkey, you better not talk callously like this once we land on the ground."

"Sometimes even walls have ears and you should know this by now." Rabbit reprimanded the poor guy as well, sipping his drink leisurely.

Soon the group landed and walked out of their private jet.

The elders, John and Ella Augustin were waiting for them at the airport with a face full of smiles.

Ella immediately grabbed Su Lin and again apologized for her hasty actions.

The husband and wife pair hugged their son and daughter-in-law one after the other and exchanged warm pleasantries.

They then greeted the rest of the group as well.

To see two delicate beautiful women among a group of ruffians seemed a bit weird.

The two heavenly angelic figures were truly stunning and breathtakingly beautiful, putting anything and everything else to shame!

The mesmerizing features, the casual elegance and grace, the noble aristocratic aura, and their gentle demeanor made several hearts skip a beat and several heads turn around and stare shamelessly.

Like mother like son!

Su Lin was silently smiling thinking if their child was also going to be such a heartbreaker.

Noticing her smirking on her own, Luther warmly wrapped his hand around her and leaned in closer.

"What are you thinking about in broad daylight?" The man pulled one end of his lips upward and smiled cheekily.

"As if!" Su Lin pinched his arm, a slight blush creeping in her cheeks.

That only made the guy's smile even wider.

He hugged her closer and planted a sweet kiss on her cheeks, instantly shattering the many women's hearts who were openly ogling at him and swooning at him.

The shameless husband and wife started their antics and began feeding everybody piping hot dog food.

Here they go again! Monkey shook his head. Apparently, the man was still sulking.

"Can you guys please wait at least until we get to our hotel or something?"

He dragged his luggage and began talking to the elders and joking about his miserable plight.

Ella and John chuckled, delighted to get acquainted with the new faces.

They were glad that their son at least had the company of these wonderful men while he was suffering.

After the group left the airport, they didn't stay much longer in the beautiful city of Brest.

They immediately departed to the coastline riding multiple cabs.

They then boarded a ship that was specifically waiting for their arrival.

"We are on an island?" Luther furrowed his brows and curiously asked. An island in this area was unheard of, at least among the civilians.

"Ha Ha. Wait and watch son." John winked and mysteriously answered.

It looked like the dad had a flair for the dramatics and wanted to show off their magical majestic settlement to everybody.

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