Chapter 248 Last Supper

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 248 - Last Supper

After returning to the main house, Ella first took Su Lin and Luther and seated them on the big dinner table. Shortly there afterward, John and the two brothers arrived.

However, the ladies of the family arrived only a while later. Weirdly, all of them were silent and smiling. Even Hazel looked amicable.

"Are they planning something?" Luther chuckled at this surprising sight and Su Lin teasingly nudged him.

"It's fine, hubby. They are family. Let's not think too much." She was also very happy to see everyone together like this, no one trying to pick a fight with them.

Luther kissed her cheeks gently and nodded.

To their surprise, this happy mood lasted until the entire evening. Everyone merrily chatted and sat down at the dinner table to have a nice meal together.

Not one hurtful word was spoken and Hazel willingly took it upon herself to apologize to Su Lin. No one brought up Kenna and it felt as if the family had truly accepted the both of them.

It was truly like a dream come true.

Su Lin and Luther held their hands together under the table and enjoyed the big feast. They both ate until their stomach and hearts were full.

However, all said and done, there was another elephant in the room that everyone was trying to side-step.

And Luther did not have any plans of continuing to ignore it. This was a wound that was deep inside not only his heart but all of his brothers' hearts.

All of them were itching to take care of this thing that had plagued their lives for so long.

"So about that person…" Luther started.

He did not use any specific words and yet everyone understood whom he was talking about, their relative who heartlessly kidnapped him and other children and was still continuing to do such heinous acts.

Even though he had brought this upon this happy occasion, no one could blame him. Only they knew the pain and torture they had suffered.

However, Ella and John still exchanged glances with each other as if they were reluctant to talk about it.

Finally, Ella was the one to break the silence and she sighed with a soft smile. "Come outside, son. Let's not talk here."

"Hmmm?" Luther frowned.

"Ah. I don't want the baby to hear about all of this." Ella smiled and explained.

"It's alright, Luther. I am fine here." Su Lin also waved her hand.

She wanted to use this chance to try and properly chat with the sisters and hopefully resolve all their differences. .

So she watched his tall and elegant frame walk out the door and sweetly smiled. Luther also looked back at her once and smiled.

He didn't know why… even if it was for just a few seconds… he always felt uneasy when he was away from her.

Only when they were together everything felt right.

The duo's lovey-dovey exchange was on point and everyone as well smiled at this. Su Lin blushed and was about to talk to the sisters when she noticed something weird.

Everyone was smiling but there seemed to be another emotion hidden in their smiles. She hadn't noticed it all this while and only suddenly saw it.

She didn't know why but suddenly she had a bad feeling. Because the emotion that was hidden in their eyes was not anger or jealousy, rather it was sadness.

"What could they be sad about?" Su Lin's mind wandered.

She continued talking with the sisters. They asked about her background and her childhood and she gave vague answers.

But all throughout, her mind was spinning.

After a while, she decided that she needed to see Luther and stood up, but Hazel gripped her, holding her hand. "Where are you going, my sweet sister-in-law?"

"Huh?" Su Lin's face changed. It was as if suddenly a veil had been lifted.

Hazel's kind facade cracked into a million pieces and Su Lin now saw her unbridled anger along with joy and sorrow.

Something was definitely not right!

However, just as she tried to get out of her grasp, her mind started spinning and her vision turned blurry.

"You… how…" Her words slurred as she fainted the next instant falling down, but before she could touch the ground, someone caught her.

One of Luther's brothers lifted her body and carried her upstairs.

Watching this, Hazel stood up and sneered in contempt. "Now who is talented my dearest sister-in-law? Did you think only you knew some tricks? I also know some."

"Heh. What are you so proud about? This was all that guy Robert's doing. If it was not for his serum, she would have definitely found out."

"Ha Ha. Alright. Alright." The three sisters then walked out, proceeding to do their own things. John Augustin and Luther's two brothers as well left the house.

Only Su Lin was inside on the third floor, lying peacefully on the bed. Her breathing was calm and steady as she slept soundly without a care in the world.

Outside her room, the moon rose up high in the sky, an unusual silence prevailing that night.

There was no one to notice it but the house in which they had been staying all this while was also empty and silent.

Monkey, Squirrel, Runyan, every single one of them from their group had somehow suddenly gone missing.

Even Luther himself was nowhere to be found.

After a while, Ella did return back but instead of Luther, there were several other bodyguards with her.

They all quietly went up the stairs and stood outside Su Lin's room. They held machine guns in their hands and they were by no means ordinary individuals.

Each of them seemed to have enhanced capabilities. They silently stood like statues and kept an eye on the entire house, standing in different locations.

Not even a mosquito could come in without their knowledge.

And in this house… Su Lin alone continued sleeping.

She didn't know how long as she only had a few conscious moments in between her long sleep.

When she was finally awake again… Her stomach was big and bulged…

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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