Chapter 253 The end is just another beginning

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 253 - The end is just another beginning

As they were out of the formation, Luther and everyone else was already slightly in a better condition. Su Lin as well was healing them continuously so it helped.

"Is there going to be an explosion? The baby?" Luther coughed, only barely able to talk.

"Hmmm… there won't be an explosion. Don't worry." Su Lin comforted him. "It's just spirit qi. This is only a blessing in disguise. You will be able to heal faster."

"Our bodies are already accustomed to spirit qi. So there is nothing to worry about."

Luther noticed that she hadn't said anything about the baby. So he did not have the heart to ask her about that again.

And as for his parents and family, he personally witnessed everything so he already knew. Even if he didn't, he long since had considered them dead.

The minute they had betrayed them and drugged Su Lin, everything between them was over.

His mother had visited him in the cave every day and cried to her heart's content, hoping he would understand but all that only made him hate her more.

Soon, the group arrived at the main family and Su Lin brought Luther over to the third floor. The whole building was in a mess but one room alone seem to be untouched.

Luther gasped as he thought about what this might be. Their baby…

He was afraid to go in but he opened the door and weakly stumbled inside. Inside the room on a simple plain bed, was a small baby.

It was a boy.

He was smiling and happily looking around the room curiously.

"He… He is alive?" Luther couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Su Lin smiled. Her face was full of tears. She saw her husband limp and sit down on the bed, picking up the boy and her world was suddenly complete.

Everyone else as well stood outside and watched his heartwarming scene in happiness.

Everything had suddenly changed but just as suddenly everything was as it should be. It was as if they had just woken up from a terrible nightmare.

But suddenly, Luther asked, "What about that explosion? Will he be alright? Should we go somewhere else?"

"No need." Su Lin nodded. "There won't be any safe place in this world for a while now. He is also already used to spirit qi. He should be fine."

"Ah… what will happen to those who don't?" Monkey asked

"They will become zombies." Almost everyone standing laughed.  .

Their master joked at such a time? But when they looked at Su Lin, her face did not look like she was joking at all.

"Because of the strong ault of the spirit qi, some people might turn brainless. Most should be able to adapt."

"So this was what that woman was trying to prevent." Monkey blurted out loud without realizing it, but Luther did not look like he was affected.

He only had eyes for his son and wife.

But Su Lin couldn't help and she felt guilty. "I am sorry", she muttered.

"For what?" Luther chuckled. "For putting me and this guy before the entire world?"

"I am sorry, Luther. I know I am selfish. I even killed your entire family. I am a bad person. But even if I do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing."

"Why should I care if everyone else lives or dies. If you live… that's all that matters…"

Luther smiled. "I know. I love you too, wifey." He leaned forward to place a kiss on the woman's forehead.

"Don't feel bad. That formation was not working. When my so-called mother visited me in the cave every day, she was constantly worrying about that."

"That formation would not have held on for too long. It was just a matter of time."

"Un. I also know that. It's not easy to stop something natural. This is the next step in evolution. It is not possible to stop what is coming. We can prepare for it though."

Oh? Everyone looked in surprise. It looked like they had a lot to talk about.

Even though they were terribly tired right now and not to mention injured, all their thoughts and mind were on this.

The spirit qi in the air around them was now so strong that they could simply inhale it and feel it inside their lungs and body.

"Master, so much energy…"

"Yes. I will teach you all how to properly cultivate now…"

Everyone obediently nodded. However, in this serious mood, Monkey suddenly opened his mouth. "At least now, I should be able to get a girlfriend right?"

Instantly, everyone couldn't hold themselves back and laughed loudly.

After a while, the ripples settled down and everything looked like it was back to normal. Su Lin prepared a huge meal for the group and helped everyone recuperate.

And at the night… this time… they sat down together with their real family and had a hearty meal.

"What hubby? Are you ready to be the real King of this new world?" Su Lin leaned over and whispered in Luther's ears, tickling him.

"Ha Ha. No, thank you. I will leave all that to you. All I want to do is be at home with this little munchkin and take care of you both."

"I am happy to be a househusband. It's a difficult job you know. I have to work hard both during the day and during the night. My wife's appetite is monstrous."

"Shhhh." Su Lin hurriedly closed his mouth but it was too late. Everyone had already heard him. They laughed loudly again and enjoyed their dinner to their heat's content.

In the meantime, everywhere on earth…

Trees and plants started to grow thicker and stronger... Beasts began to mutate…

**** The END****

::: This is the note of the author itself and I want to add it here.

This is the first story I have ever written, so this ending is very bittersweet for me. I enjoyed this experience tremendously. I hope you all enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for all your kind words and encouragement. Your constant support and motivation kept me going.

And lastly, for those of you who are not yet ready to part with Su Lin, and Luther and want to know what sort of a naughty brat is their son, and also those who want to know if Monkey ever gets a girlfriend, you can read the next book in the series 'Reincarnated as a Dog with System'.

The same characters will reappear and their story will be continued in that book.

The three books in the series are:

1. Bloodline Evolution System: Reign of the Dragon Snake

2. CEO's Loser Wife: Rebirth of the villainous queen of alchemy

3. Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Only the second book in the series, CEO's loser wife is now completed and the other two are still ongoing. So I hope to see you all there.. Thank you again for your encouragement and support.

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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