Chapter 251 This world is doomed...

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 251 - This world is doomed...

"Luther…" Su Lin, stopped in her tracks, afraid to take another step. After searching through the entire mountain, she could finally feel his life force.

It was a thin small sliver of lifer force like that of a lamp that could be extinguished at any second by a slight breeze.

But it was still there.

"It's fine… As long as you are alive… I will be able to heal everything…" Though she said these words, tears streamed out of her eyes as if she didn't fully believe herself.

It was not that she didn't have the ability to heal him. Rather the spirit qi in this world was non-existent.

Otherwise, the pests that had somehow managed to turn all their lives upside down would have never succeeded in the first place.

They had only shown a single moment of weakness and that too was because it was their family. However, that single moment had cursed them for all eternity.

Her breathing ragged and heavy Su Lin lifted her hand to break the cave's wall open. She didn't have the time to find the entrance so she made one herself.

Afraid of what she was going to see inside, she hesitantly stepped in, only to find wafts and wafts of spirit qi aulting her face.

Su Lin instantly became shocked. How could this cave have such thick swirls of spirit qi?

She felt as if she had taken some miraculous medicine as her body greedily absorbed every stand of spirit qi in sight.

She was just a vortex  in everything. In just the span of a second, her power already increased by another fold, her body shattering all the bottlenecks on its own.

With these breakthroughs, she was by far the most powerful person on earth at the moment but she couldn't care less about it right now.

Her eyes only searched for that single person inside that dark cave.

And soon she found him.

Su Lin's heart dropped as she rushed towards the figure that was ly skin and bones. The man was chained to the wall, placed in some sort of formation drawn on blood.

And not only that, his own blood was continuously being drained drop by drop. It looked like it was his blood that was giving power to the formation.

"Why? Why did they do this to us?" Su Lin ran forward and fell down near him. She couldn't see him like that.

He was being used as a living and breathing battery, just how painful and torturous it must have been. The man did not even realize that she was there.

The eyes that always looked for her lovingly did not even open.

In a rage of anger, Su Lin raised her hand. She wanted to blast the damn cave open, destroying the formation and everything along with it. .

But before she could, a voice screamed behind her. "NO. DON'T DO THAT!"

Ella stood behind her and behind Ella was the massive army that she had gathered.

Su Lin stopped and calmly stood up. She looked as if she was willing to listen and be reasoned with. This surprised everyone. Even Ella looked relieved.

There was momentarily an eerie silence that sprawled across the place.

Breaking this silence, Hazel's shrill voice unexpectedly sounded. "Get away from my brother, you bitch."

And the next instant…

Su Lin smiled. It was not a kind smile. She lifted her hand, her lips slightly parting, mumbling something inaudible.

"No." Ella panicked, but she was too late. Even when she said those words, she knew that she was already too late.

And just like she feared… before the smile faded from Su Lin's lips…

A burst of fire appeared beneath the spot where Hazel was standing, engulfing her alive.

Ahhh! Ahhhh! Only her loud wailing screams sounded and before anyone could react she was reduced to ash and dust.

"You were saying?" Su Lin smiled contently like a devil and turned to look at Ella.

The woman's eyes were blank. She looked petrified. She did not what to think. Her daughter was gone just like that?

Everyone else standing there also gulped nervously. They couldn't help but take a step back subconsciously.

They were willing to fight for the clan but this was… they were going to be massacred like cattle. Was it still worth it? What were they even fighting for?

Weren't they the ones in the wrong? Why were all these people chained up like this?

Everyone gathered as well looked at Ella for some sort of explanation, but the woman was still standing as if she was seeing a ghost.

"Are you going to speak or not?" Su Lin's voice thundered again. She was not being patient for the sake of some sort of random explanation or justification for all of this.

She was doing this for her husband. If tomorrow he asked her why his mother did all that she did, she wanted to be able to answer him.

She didn't want this event to leave a scar any bigger than it had already done.

Su Lin smiled, "No?" She snapped her fingers again and this time, the ground under Mia started breaking.

Ella instantly paled. She couldn't breathe. "NO." She gasped. "I will tell you. I will tell you everything now."

She collapsed on the rough ground, not able to stand any longer. "This world… everything was for this world…"

"What do you mean?" Su Lin crossed her arms.

"This world is doomed. I was just… I had to sacrifice my son… I had no other choice… Can't you see…"

"That is the responsibility of all the main families."

"There are eight nodes in this world that pulse with heavenly energy. This is a secret that has been passed down for generations."

"The purpose of the nine gates is to quell and satisfy these eight nodes. The minute they start to resonate, everything will change."

"Our earth will no longer be the same.. So after a lot of sacrifice, our ancestors developed a formation to prevent this from happening."

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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