Chapter 250 Summon the army

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 250 - Summon the army

The few men immediately rushed forward along with Ella. They instantly unleashed every ounce of power that they had in their body, Ella's spirit growling louder than the others.

However, unfortunately, they were still a step too late.

Not only did Su Lin gather more spirit qi when she was unconscious, but she also did not have to worry about the baby anymore.

It only took her a second to finish the operation on herself, heal herself, place the baby on the bed and then toss the rest of the unwanted guests out of the room.

It did not matter that they were physically enhanced individuals. With one move of her hand, she tossed them out as if they were trash.

Ella dumbfoundedly stared at the monster in front of her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Ever since she had first seen Su Lin, she had always been a woman who stood in the background.

Sure, she was good at talking back but when it came to actual talents, she had absolutely shown nothing at all.

But now the person in front of her… she could no longer recognize this person…

How was she so strong? Is she… stronger than Luther?

Then perhaps… Ella's brain started spinning.

She looked at the child on the bed and the child whom she was close to losing… everything can be reversed if she could only convince this woman!

"STOP. STOP. I will explain everything." Ella hurriedly spoke.

"Heh? You want to explain? Sure, but not yet." Su Lin stepped out. She no longer looked weak or fragile. There was an aura about her that instilled fear in everyone's hearts.

Without saying another word, she silently waved her hands in the air and she then left the house.

Ella instantly moved, trying to scramble inside.

She wanted to see the small baby and see what happened. However, as she tried unlocking the door, she couldn't open it for some reason.

No matter how much she tried, it just wouldn't budge.

On one hand, she was worried about where Su Lin was going and what she was going to do. She also needed to inform the other members of her clan.

But on the other hand, this was her grandchild. The baby looked so tiny. She needed to know if it survived or not. Her heart ached at the mere thought of it.

How could a mother be so heartless?

"Break the door open," Ella muttered.

"But ma'am what if the wood splinters hurt the baby?" The guard hesitantly asked.

"I said BREAK IT OPEN." Ella roared. She needed to get in somehow. Her grandchild! She needed to save her grandchild!

The guard did not hesitate any longer and started banging against the door.


Loud sounds echoed but no one could do anything to do that door. It was as if an invisible formation was blocking the door.

Ella face paled as reality was slowly hitting on it.

A monster! That woman was a monster!

She did something to prevent her from even seeing her grandchild. Just how strong was she? Why did they never know about this?

"Leave it. Come with me now." Ella wiped the tears streaming down her face and then hurriedly rushed out of the mansion.

At the same time, one of the guards went to the other end of the house to switch on something, and immediately a loud siren resonated throughout the entire mountain.

This was their clan's call for help! It was time to fight!

Hearing this loud siren, every single member of the clan who was residing in the mountain quickly rushed up to the main house.

There were hundreds and hundreds of spirit qi users all gathered together.

Since their speed, strength, brain, everything was enhanced, it only took them a few seconds for an army of men and women to gather.

This was the entire strength of their clan. The matriarch's siren had sounded so as per the clan's rules and regulations every single one of them had embled.

"You might be strong enough to overpower me. What will you do now?" Ella ground her teeth. She did not bother waiting for anyone.

John and Luther's two brother's stayed behind to handle this army. They were ready to mobilize the second Ella gave her command.

But it was not time yet. She first needed to see where that bitch went. And since Ella was the strongest amongst them all, she had to do it.

"Where did you go? Where did you go?" She scoured all parts of the mountain and as she quickly ticked off every region, a bad feeling cropped up in her heart.

She didn't go there, right?

The elder shuddered and she quickly returned back to the main house where the entire clan had gathered.

She was not going to make the mistake of underestimating that woman ever again.

Doing this was essentially going to reveal everything to everyone but she had no other choice.

She would rather reveal the ancient secret to everyone than let that woman ruin everything.

Ella knew that right now she was doing something that went against her principles, but her fate was as such.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

She really had no other choice. She locked eyes with her husband and then nodded. John was shocked but he didn't question.

He immediately gave the command to their entire clan. "MOVE"

The army of men moved, their speed faster than normal human beings. They were all headed towards a cave that was located at the far end of the peak of the mountain.

And a few paces ahead of them… a woman was also moving in the same direction.

However, her speed was much faster than theirs.

Su Lin stopped as soon as she reached the cave. Unlike before, she was no longer cold or angry. Instead, only tears were streaming down her eyes.

"Are you here?" She clutched her .

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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