C221 - Papa And Mama Love You Little Darling Part1

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C221 - Papa And Mama Love You Little Darling Part1

Within a matter of minutes, Squirrel and Luther rushed over to the company headquarters. The others were also not far behind them.

Everyone was very panicked and worried since they had no idea what went wrong.

Just earlier today everything was fine. But now suddenly, something terrible happened to their Master?? It was almost unbelievable.

Su Lin was the strongest among them all. If something were to happen to her, they couldn't even fathom how to help her.

Luther's face was so pale by the time he and Squirrel reached the company headquarters.

The man had a terrifying expression on his face as if the entire world was about to come crashing down.

His body was shaking as he ran across the ten flights of stairs without stopping for a single breath.

Several ominous images flashed across his mind.

Luther painfully ignored those and dashed forward with the full force he could muster.

The tiles shattered and the floor sunk in the aftermath of every step he took, leaving in his wake a trail of destruction.

As the man scrambled his way to the 7th floor, his heart was almost beating out of his chest.

Without wasting another second, he pushed open the doors and stumbled inside.

But the sight that met his eyes was entirely different from what he had expected and dreaded…

"Sorry, hubby. I made you worry. Just a small stomach ache. Nothing to worry."

Su Lin's face had already recovered back to its normal healthy and glossy nature.

She seemed to be perfectly fine with a pleasant smile plastered on her face.

She lovingly looked at the man who was panting and heaving in front of her.

Though, Runyan who was sitting next to her had a whole other expression on her face.

Su Lin had forbidden her from sharing any news with the rest of the group. So she bit her lips and stayed silent.

Luther's blankly stared at the woman in front of him. He rushed towards her and scooped her up in his arms in one swift motion.

He then hurriedly checked her for any signs of distress.

Only when he confirmed with his own eyes that she was fine, the man sighed in relief.

His soul returned back to his body, and his blurry vision and his turmoiled mind slowly settled down.

"You scared me, you cute monster. What happened? Why did you have such a bad stomach ache suddenly?"

He planted a kiss on her moist lips and asked her gently, whilst cradling her like a child in his arms.

"It's just… It's just that time of the month." Su Lin hesitantly answered and looked away from his sincere eyes.

She only mumbled the words half-heartedly as she couldn't bring herself to lie to his face.

Luther chuckled in relief. "Let's go home. I will make you something comfortable to eat."

He hugged her tightly and carried her downstairs, not even letting her walk.

Su Lin's heart warmed as she gazed at the man's affectionate eyes. If it was for him, she was willing to suffer through this and so much more.

She glanced at the destroyed floor and felt a slight pang of guilt. The man must have been extremely worried.

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