Chapter 247 This conclave is over

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 247 - This conclave is over

The two of them simply looked at each other and exchanged glances without saying anything.

"What are you trying to beg my brother for help?" Hazel sneered, but this time Ella nipped this conversation in the bud by stepping forward.

"It's just one match Su Lin, dear." Ella urged again.

"Okay." Su Lin replied, finally tearing her gaze away from the man she loved.

"Oh. Very good. Thanks, dear." Ella smiled.

She also did not feel too good about forcing Su Lin like this but as the first family of their clan, they had some responsibilities that even she couldn't shirk from.

"Okay then, please come this way." Ella extended her hand to show Su Lin the way.

Hazel standing near them could barely control her joy. She even wished that it was her instead of Kenna who was on the stage. She could then thrash this hateful woman to her heart's content.

Unable to contain her excitement, she already started picturing Su Lin's fresh and perfect face as something that had been beaten black and blue.

But to her disappointment, the idiot was taking her time and still not moving. Hazel saw that she was opening her mouth again and she just couldn't stand it.

"God damn it. Just how much longer are you simply going to stand here and talk? Can't you see that you are wasting all our time?"

She was just seconds away from dragging Su Lin by her hair and dropping her onto the stage personally.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do such a thing. So she simply gnashed her teeth in anger.

And just like always, Su Lin completely ignored the brat and looked at Ella. "Mother, I will participate in this yearly fighting competition... but just now this year."

"Ha!" Hazel loudly snickered. This was the lamest thing she had ever heard.

"Meaning?" Now Ella's expression also started changing. Everyone in the crowd as well looked at her like she was an idiot.

Just as everyone was thinking what ridiculous thing she was going to say now...

Su Lin remained calm and slowly replied. "I am pregnant, mother. I don't think it's good to fight during this time. Ha Ha."

Almost instantly, the entire gathering fell into a deep silence. Ella looked at Su Lin dumbfounded. hazel stared at her as if she was seeing a ghost.

No one even dared to breathe loudly. Only Luther casually walked over to stand next to Su Lin.

"I did not even want her to come here and you want her to fight, mom?" Luther chuckled, pulling the devious woman into his arms. .

His wife always had the habit of teasing people, but he loved that about her.

Her son's words finally snapped Ella out of her trance and she stammered, only very ly audible. "What... What did you say?"

"We are pregnant, mom." Luther once again clarified things.

From the way he was so proudly declaring and announcing it to the world, not one single person in the huge hall doubted his words.

However, not all believed him of course.

"Brother, you are lying, right? Why are you protecting that woman so much?" Hazel immediately barked back.

"Heh? Why would I lie about this?" Luther chuckled. Was this sister of his not well in the head?

"No. No. You are lying!" Hazel did not relent and kept repeating the same words like an idiot.

Mia and Bloom as well walked over to stand near their family in shock and on the stage, Kenna could no longer remain strong. Her knees gave out and she collapsed on the stage itself.

If they were just married, maybe she could have... but she was also pregnant... she couldn't help but feel as if her whole world was crashing down.

Everyone sighed pitifully looking at the poor girl's plight. So many things were happening and they had a feeling that new changes were about to take place.

A big wave of uproar erupted and people began to loudly murmur and whisper.

In the midst of this commotion, Ella alone dazedly stepped forward. She did not have any expression. She did not say anything. She did even seem to hear anything.

She simply walked forward with a blank face, her gaze fixed on Su Lin. "Can I?" She asked and she gently took Su Lin hand's into her own.

Her pulse was unmistakeably higher.

"Mother, she is just faking it. See, I also have a high heart rate right now because of this woman. That doesn't mean that I am pregnant now!"

However, Ella was no longer listening to her. Her entire focus was only on Su Lin.

Although she looked at Su Lin lovingly before, the way she looked at her right now was as if... she were a precious gem.

"I... I... I am so sorry, dear. Please forgive me." She muttered, tears leaking out of her eyes.

Everyone as well started congratulating the family, their opinions and their stance completely different from seconds ago.

But instead of accepting their regards, unexpectedly Ella turned around and cupped her hands humbly in front of everyone.

"Please forgive us. This conclave is over. We have some family matters to attend to, so we will be having our big dinner a bit early and then disperse. I am sorry."

She then quickly whisked Su Lin and Luther away, not even waiting for anyone else to respond. Even Hazel could only dumbfoundedly stare at this scene.

"What the ?"

"Damn it, Mia. What the hell is all this?"

"I also don't know. Let's go home and see what is happening."

The sisters rushed to help up Kenna and bring her as well, though the latter looked completely devastated.

"I am sorry. I think I just want to go back home for a bit." Kenna excused herself and left, leaving behind only the three sisters in the midst of the dispersing crowd.

All three of them then hurried back to the big house to see what was happening.

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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