Chapter 235 My cute glutton Part3

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Chapter 235 - My cute glutton Part3

"Are you sure these herbs are weeds?" Luther asked raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"Mmhm." Su Lin nodded, enjoying the view of her husband tilling the spiritual qi rich soil, with his bȧrė upper body.

He had to exert quite a bit of force to shape and plow the energy-rich soil, which was much more resilient and tougher than normal soil.

Beads of sweat glistened on the man's chiseled visage and sparkled in the sunlight.

As the husband and wife pair busied themselves, one working hard and the other shamelessly ogling, the rest of the group arrived at the villa as well.

One look at what Luther was doing was a clear foreboding of the evening that was waiting for them.

Monkey chuckled and took a step back, but the others made themselves busy and started working on the huge vacant land plot.

"Squirrel, come here." Su Lin said.

She materialized a blob-sized energy wisp in her index finger and passed on to the center of Squirrel's forehead.

"This is the technique of spirit herb growing and nurturing."

"Try it out." She leaned on Luther and muttered casually.

"Uh. Huh. Okay, Master." Squirrel dazedly mumbled. He was still digesting the new influx of information and trying to comprehend everything.

Squirrel slowly took a handful of soil and tossed one of the common herbal seeds into it.

Some Rosania herb seeds were leftover from Luther's sister's activities. So he picked that.

He then closed his eyes and silently circulated spiritual qi through the soil and the seed and his cultivation base.

What happened next shocked the entire crowd. Only Su Lin was nonchalantly observing.

The small seed started vibrating as if it was filled to the brim with energy.

Even from within that handful of soil, the seed started germinating and sprouting at a visible speed.

A small sapling appeared leaves started growing and the stem started extending.

Weirdly, the plant in his hands did not look like a common Rosania herbal plant. It looked a bit different as if it had undergone several mutations.

The leaves were still round but instead of the usually short and thin stature, the plant now looked as if it was a bush with several stems and branches popping out.

And more importantly, all of this growth was still from that small handful of soil in Squirrel's hand.

Luther gulped.

Rabbit couldn't blink.

Monkey was dumbstruck.

Everyone stared as if they were seeing a ghost.

Real spiritual qi rich air, water, and land were indeed different than their previous experience.

After a few minutes, the plant finally stopped growing. But it didn't stop there.

Right in front of their eyes, small buds started appearing and from the beautiful purple flowers.

There were a total of ten plus flowers.

The flowers slowly turned brighter and more vibrant, and finally stopped growing in size.

Everyone silently watched on, their eyes filled with amazement and disbelief.

"Woohoo! Congratulations!" Su Lin cheered.

She propped herself off of Luther's sturdy ċhėst and clapped like a little girl.

"This my dears is called a spirit fruit, though only low-grade."

"Try it and see."

Su Lin walked over and plucked a fruit from the small plant in Squirrel's hand and took a big bite out of it.

"Come here and taste." Su Lin waved at Monkey, who looked like he was restless to try one.

Luther as well leaned over and took a bite out of the same fruit Su Lin was nibbling on previously.

"I think this one is the tastiest!" He chuckled.

Su Lin immediately blushed and shoved the rest of the fruit into the ruffian's mouth.

Panther and Rabbit were more interested in the growing technique and started practicing on their own.

Runyan as well tried to grow and nurture a spirit herb.

In another few minutes, things got a bit rowdy and somehow everyone except Su Lin ended up competing to see who could grow bigger and better plants.

Eight huge plants stood on the ground, each looking greener and fresher than the previous one.

Surprisingly, Runyan's plant had grown the most vibrant. It had born a total of 25 spirit fruits!

"Way to go, Yan Yan!" Su Lin hugged and patted the nervous-looking cute woman.

"Congratulations Sister!" Luther pulled his wife away from Runyan and chuckled.

Monkey and Rabbit noticed his hidden intentions and chuckled within themselves.

"That guy is more concerned about his wifey hugging someone else." Monkey smirked.

"Yup. I agree." Rabbit nodded.

"Don't be sore losers, idiots." Luther obviously heard them and immediately scoffed at them.

He then smugly turned around ignoring the snickering duo.

While these guys were creating a riot, two beautiful women walked over to the villa.

Ella and Luther's sister from before, Hazel were walking towards the group.

The two women looked simply enchanting and mesmerizing with absolutely gorgeous features.

They gracefully walked and approached the rowdy bunch.

"Looks like you guys have settled quite comfortably." Ella chuckled.

She still felt a bit awkward to address her son freely, mostly due to guilt, but managed to put on a brave facade.

"Yes, mom. This place is very amazing." Luther gently nodded.

"Thanks, Mrs. Augustin." Su Lin as well smiled pleasantly.

Standing beside her, Hazel silently eyed everyone, her eyes impassively glancing at the crowd.

Each looked worse than the previous one, standing casually as if they had never heard the words manners and respect.

"Hmph! Isn't it mandatory to bow before the clan leader?" Hazel murmured, but not so loudly that others could hear.

Only when her gaze landed on Luther, the beautiful maiden slightly smiled.

But the smile soon disappeared when the woman leaning on her brother's shoulder came into the view as well.

Her hold on her mother's arm subconsciously tightened.

Ella glanced at her daughter, but ignored the weird expression on her face and came straight to the point of her visit.

"We are having a huge dinner celebration at the main house at 8 pm. Please come."

She looked at the crowd and invited everyone.

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