Chapter 252 The baby?

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The CEO's Loser Wife Chapter 252 - The baby?

"But this formation… it requires a live sacrifice…"

"Our clan's great patriarch was still alive and taking care of this all this while but he passed away recently."

"The energy was restless. It wanted to come out. It was alive. I could feel it."

"I had no other choice. It had to be Luther."

"Only men from our main family had the ability to do this. I was hesitating and putting this aside for so long, but I couldn't put it away any longer, not when I came to know about my grandson."

"If I did not continue locking this heavenly energy, the world as we know will completely change. Then where will my grandson live?"

"I needed to make the sacrifice. I needed to give up my son so that I could see my grandson live and breathe."

"Do you now understand why I did what I did? Ahhhh! Do you now see it? I had no other choice. Ahhhh!" Ella started wailing like a man woman.

Everyone else as well looked serious. No one had any idea that there was so much to the nine gates. The privilege that they enjoyed came at a price.

Even if they were in Ella's place, they would have done the same. It was the right thing to do.

Seeing the woman in such a state, John rushed to Ella and held her. "Please Su Lin, I am asking you like a father. Let's all just go back. We don't have to lose anything more than we already have."

Others also started murmuring and whispering. Everyone agreed with his words. Now that they knew the truth. They understood it. This was for the greater good.

This woman wouldn't create any more problems, right?

Everyone including Ella and John looked up to see Su Lin. She was standing silently. She had been silent for a while now.

So she understood?

It definitely looked like it. However, the next second, Su Lin lifted her face. Tears were streaming down her eyes. "You stupid cunt . You sacrificed your own son for something like this?"

Her voice sounded like the roar of an ancient beast. Her eyes were blood red and she was angry. She glared at Ella making the woman shiver.

"But our world… the millions of innocent people… we have the responsibility…"

"Ptui! You damned bitch! Do you think you can stop the way of the universe?" Su Lin shouted.

"If it is destiny for this world to have spirit qi, then it would happen irrespectively, you dumb f*ck . Even if you sacrifice yourself, your entire family, and every single pig here, it will happen."

"What the f*ck do you think about yourself? Are you an immortal who can raise and destroy planets? You are just a dumb narcissistic bitch who deluded herself!" .

"I don't f*cking care if my husband hates me, but I am done. Rot in hell."

"You think you are righteous? You are just a stupid dumb bitch!"

Su Lin raised her hand and this time muttered loudly. "Heaven's justice."

Immediately six of the thousand swords descended down without any warning. Just like that, they claimed the lives of Ella, John, and Luther's two brothers and two sisters.

The main family that had been in charge of their clan for generations was destroyed in an instant.

Everyone stared dumbly not even able to fully process this. Su Lin's power was truly monstrous. They were merely ants in front of this single woman.

The next second, another thousand swords appeared above the land, waiting to rain down below on the gathered crowd.

"Who wants to stay? Who wants to leave? Make a decision." Su Lin's voice again thundered.

"That man is your new clan head. You can either stay with us or leave, the decision is yours but you need to leave here right now."


No one dared to stay back any longer. In less than a minute, the cave was once again silent and empty with no one else present except for Su Lin.

All the anger and the coldness on her face had already dissipated. She just weakly crumbled down. "I am sorry, I lost my temper."

She slowly stood up to walk to her husband when she noticed that his eyes were slightly open. "Crazy… wifey…" He weakly mumbled.

Tears started streaming down Su Lin's eyes and she ran back to him to hug him tightly. She lifted her hand and sent shots of spirit qi to free him from all the chains and shackles.

The formation was also destroyed in a second.

Almost instantly, a loud rumbling sound echoed and a wave of spirit qi swept past the cave. This ripple slowly started becoming stronger.

"Let's first get out of here." Su Lin quickly picked up the man and was about to leave when another voice sounded. "Master, take us also."

"Huh?" Su Lin immediately stopped in her tracks. "You guys are also here?"

The others were also chained like Luther. From the looks of it, Ella had been experimenting on them to see if their blood can be used for the formation.

"Master… did you really not see us all this time…" Monkey did not have the energy. Otherwise, he would have cried.

He did not cry from all these days of torture but this was too much for him to handle. He just could not take this dog food anymore.

Even in the life and death situation, this woman had only eyes for her husband.

"Idiot." Su Lin scolded him with a smile. They were all here. Runyan, Monkey, Squirrel, and everyone was here. Their entire family was alive.

She quickly picked them all up and used wisps of spirit qi to move their body. She then ran out of the cave, carrying everyone else as well along with her.

The ripples of the spirit qi were also becoming stronger and stronger.

As they were out of the formation, Luther and everyone else was already slightly in a better condition. Su Lin as well was healing them continuously so it helped.

"Is there going to be an explosion? The baby?" Luther coughed, only barely able to talk.

The CEO's Loser Wife
Author: Yolohy

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