Fuyu Kitsune (Jukibi)

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Name: Fuyu Kitsune

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Name: Fuyu Kitsune

Kanji: ふゆキツネ

Age: 12 years old

Sex:  Female


- Clanless (For the time being)

- Jinchuriki (She is a part of them but not their clan-clan)


- Extreme Dangerous (S-Rank Mission if she turned into a rogue ninja)


- Jukibi (Eleven-Tailed) -I made this name up-

- Mugen's Daughter

- Young Mistress of Tailed Beast

- White Tiger Demon

- Eleven-Tailed White Tiger Demon


- Konan Kitsune = Mother [Mugen] (Infinite Tailed)...


- Long snow-white colored hair that is tied on the edge by a black ribbon.

- Sapphire Blue colored eye with a light blue colored pupil

- Pitch Black stripes mark on her cheek that looked like tiger stripes

- She had her long snow-white hair shaped into two little triangles on the top which is natural due to herself being the Eleven-Tailed Beast

- She had a scent of cats and dogs combine and also a sweet scent

- She had her Leaf Ninja Headband tied on her left shoulder while her shinobi weapon pouch was on her right leg

(I made a mistake when making the character but just imagine the headband on her shoulder, not on the right)

- Light pale skin color

(Her skin is much lighter than the example though, just look at the picture on top)

(Her skin is much lighter than the example though, just look at the picture on top)

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- She usually wears a light violet and a light blue colored clothes


- She is very innocent of adult things because she is a tiger demon originally

- Bubbly to only her friends and teammates

- When she is angry, her personality will completely change from bubbly, happy into sarcastic and dangerous

- She was always quiet when she was little due to the bad treatment the village did to her by gossiping and saying bad things about her


- She enjoys annoying Kiba or being around him since she took quite a liking to Kiba's scent and aura

- She liked eating or chewing sweets that were sold on Ichiraku ramen now just for her

- She also liked eating beef jerky

- Fuyu like drinking fruity drinks or juice made from fruits instead of drinking beer, liquor, or other bad drinks due to the bad smell it gives out

- Even though she is superior to other animals or creatures combined, she liked catching or hunting them because of her predator instincts

- Being around other jinchuriki members since it made her feel like she had the same person like her even though she is the tailed beast herself instead of getting a beast sealed inside her


- Water, being a white tiger demon means she is still a tiger which is a descendant of a cat. She doesn't like swimming or being in a pool or bathtub. She is alright with the rain or shower because it was just droplets of water dripping onto her

- Beer or other hard drinks due to their bad scent

- Fire, like a normal tiger... She hated the sight of fire. She can use fire jutsu and so is water but she avoids using it

- Rogue's Ninja

- Stinky Tofu, she is bothered with the awful smell of it! Not only that but because it looked like white jelly that had liquid oozing out from it

- Loud noises, tigers usually hated loud noises. It's one of their weakness too.

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