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"I'm so bored! Koinu!! Do something~!" Fuyu whined while shaking Kiba's shoulder. "Gah! If you're bored go bother someone else!" Kiba swatted Fuyu's hands away from his shoulders while she pouted.

"Hmph! You're no fun!" Fuyu crossed her arms before getting tapped in the shoulder by someone. Fuyu looked beside her and saw the same boy with bushy eyebrows looking at her with a small blush on his cheek.

Fuyu was sitting at the end of the bench with Kiba on her right, Shino on his right, and Hinata on Shino's right. "Hello there! I'm Rock Lee! You are Fuyu right?" Lee said while bowing a little.

"Yep, that's me! Do you need something Lee-san?" Fuyu asked tilting her head slightly. Kiba was looking towards the two, silently listening to their conversation as well without showing any sort of interest in his facial expression.

"Ahem! Please go out with me! I'll protect you till I die!" Lee winked at Fuyu with a thumb up. Fuyu choked by the air while Kiba irked up. "Sakura-chan declined my offer so I decided to ask you out instead!" Lee scratched his neck while Fuyu's sweat dropped.

"Hell no! Stay away from her, Bushy brows!" Kiba grabbed Fuyu's wrist and pulled her close to him. "Wait... Are you jealous? Koinu~?" Fuyu giggled making Kiba's ears turn bright red.

"No, I'm not!" Kiba let go of Fuyu's wrist and quickly turn away from her making Fuyu giggle. "So?" Lee asked gaining Fuyu's attention once again. "Sorry Lee-san, I can't go out with you..." Fuyu said making Lee's face go pale.

"Rejected... Twice..." Lee coughed out while he walked down the stairs to his seat, with his team of course. Kiba was silently cheering inside with a small smile on his face.


The first exam was a paper filled with questions. Fuyu only filled half of them and leave the rest empty because it was too confusing for her. 'Ahh! Im so confused~!' Fuyu scratched her head while she gripped her pencil.

Ibiki started to talk about the last exam question, the tenth question. Ibiki told them how if they failed the tenth question, they will relinquish their right of taking the Chunin Exams forever, but if they quit now... They can get another chance next year.

'What?! It's risky... But I'm not quitting now!' Fuyu thought while she lowered her head. "I quit" A man beside her raised his arms while standing up gaining everyone's attention.


Fuyu ended up passing the first exam since the thing that Ibiki announced was fake! Ibiki explains why he lied about the rules and how the exams were meant for cheating using unique techniques.


"Yeah! Survival is our forte! Hinata don't show your weakness" Kiba grins while Hinata looked at Kiba with his head slightly looking down. "What are you? A leader or something?" Fuyu teased making Kiba irked up and turn around to look at her.

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