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Fuyu slowly opened her eyes to see her light blue wallpaper with blue fairy lights hanging from the wall to the wall. Fuyu prefers a cozy and quiet room for her to be in rather than a bright and noisy room.

Fuyu sat up on her bed and turn to her bedside desk to see a small note on it. She reached her hand out for the note and grab it. She brings her hand back and looks at the words written on the piece of note.

Hello there Fuyu,

You must be awakened now if you're reading this. You passed out after I can back at noon due to your energy getting drained during training. If you are feeling well, please immediately come to me since I want to have a word with you. Meet me at Ichiraku Ramen...

Remember, it's not a must to come

- Your Sensei, Kurenai

Fuyu tilted her head slightly in confusion while she slides her snow-white colored blanket from her so she could get off the bed easily. "Have a word with me..?" She muttered while she walked over to her dresser.

"Might as well go" Fuyu shrugged, getting her ninja suit out from the dresser.


Fuyu walked over to the Ichiraku Ramen store and saw Kurenai leaning against the store side walls, with her eyes closed. "Kurenai-sensei!" Fuyu shouted while running towards the black-haired jonin.

Kurenai open her eyes and immediately stood perfectly still instead of leaning on the wall. "So you decided to come?" Kurenai asked while Fuyu nodded. "Yep!" Fuyu chirped with a closed-eye smile, making the female jonin grin.

"Alright then... Come in" Kurenai gestured her hand towards the store, Fuyu gladly walked inside the store and was followed by Kurenai right behind her.

The two ordered some ramen to eat while they were going to have a discussion.

"So Fuyu?" Kurenai asked while Fuyu was slurping ramen noodles using her chopsticks. "Hmm?" Fuyu hummed due to the number of ramen noodles in her mouth. "You are aware of you being the Jukibi, right?" Kurenai said making Fuyu's eyes widen and choking on the ramen noodles.

Kurenai helped Fuyu by giving her a glass of water to drink. "Yeah..." Fuyu replied after she drank the glass of water that Kurenai gave her. "When are you going to tell your teammates? They should know about this since it's going to be beneficial in dangerous missions" Kurenai simply said while Fuyu had a bead of sweat running down her forehead to her cheek.

"I'll think about it, sensei..." Fuyu placed both of her chopsticks on top of the empty bowl of ramen while she had her eyes overshadowed. "I'm full... Thanks for the meal, Kurenai-sensei" Fuyu stands up and exits the ramen store with her head hung low.

'I don't want them to know that I'm a monster...' Fuyu said to herself while she clenched her fist.


"Chunin exams?"

"Yes, Chunin exams. It's an exam for Genin Ninjas to turn into a Chunin Ninja" Kurenai explained while holding four papers in her right hand, her left hand on her hips. "Woah! That means we are going to rank up??" Kiba asked getting a nod from the female jonin.

"Cool! I want in!" Kiba cheered along with Akamaru who was barking. "Me too!" Fuyu raised her hand gaining Kiba's attention. "I would like to join too" Hinata shyly raised her hand. "Same for me" Shino zoon raised his hand too.

"Alright! Here are the forms for the exam. Just fill it in and you all are in!" Kurenai handed each paper to the four of them, with a satisfied smile on her face.


"I can't wait to be a Chunin Ninja rather than being a Genin Ninja" Fuyu sighed while she closed her eyes. "Me too" Hinata nodded while Shino jumped in agreement.

"Anyway, where is Koinu?? Is he still inside giving the form?" Fuyu asked while Hinata look down. "N-no, he did say he was going to go grab something" Hinata replied making Fuyu smile and pat her head.

"Thank you for telling me then!" Fuyu said making Hinata blush in embarrassment. "H-Hai!" Hinata replied making Fuyu giggle at Hinata's flustered face. "I am here!!" Kiba shouted getting the three attention.

"Finally you a-" Fuyu stopped her sentence when her nose twitched due to a familiar scent. "N-no... It can't be..." Fuyu muttered while Kiba run towards her with something behind his back. 

Kiba had a clipper on his nose, shutting it close so it can't smell anything right now. "STINKY TOFU!?" Fuyu screamed while Kiba take out a little container with a bunch of tofus sitting in rows on it. It had the container lead off so the smell can be sniffed by Fuyu.

"INDEED IT IS!! COME HERE!!" Kiba had his free hand reaching for Fuyu while a mischievous grin was plastered across his face. "NOOO! I THOUGHT IT WAS BANNED FROM THIS VILLAGE!!" Fuyu shouted while running away from Kiba.

"WELL TO BAD, IT'S NOT" Kiba kept chasing Fuyu in circles while Shino and Hinata just watched the scene.


Fuyu ended up swatting the container filled with stinky tofus out from Kiba's hand, making it fall to the ground with a splat. "Hey! I buy that with money you know!!" Kiba said while Fuyu covered her nose.

"You aren't going to eat them anyways! You hate them too, that's why your using clippers to close your nose!" Fuyu pointed at Kiba while she kept gagging from time to time. "Hmph! Whatever!" Kiba crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks while Fuyu wiped her nose.

"That's enough Lee!"

The four attention quickly averted to the source of the sound. "Who is that??" Kiba said while Fuyu dragged him towards one of the large pillars and hide behind it. Fuyu and Kiba peaked out and saw Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, a boy with bushy eyebrows, and a big turtle?

"They seem to be in trouble... Let's stay out of this, Tora" Kiba whispered, dragging Fuyu away from the big commotion and motioning Hinata and Shino to do the same.

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