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"Look at that girl... She is the Eleven-Tailed Beast... Right?" A woman whispered to her husband while a 5-year-old little girl walked through the streets with her head lowered and pointed to the ground. "Her name is Fuyu Kitsune, right? She is indeed Konan's daughter!" The husband whispered back while Fuyu glanced at the man from the corner of her eyes.

"Why did Lord Hokage even allow her to stay here after the Mugen attack??" Another woman whispered, referring to Fuyu's mother, Konan Kitsune, as the Infinite-Tailed Beast, the most superior and powerful tailed beast. "I don't know but we must respect the lord's decision" Another woman replied while Fuyu sped up her pace of walking.


Fuyu was sitting on top of a tree branch before she felt something running onto the tree trunk making her look down to see a red ball. She looked up again to see little kids running towards her before stopping. Fuyu jumped down and grabbed the ball before handing it out to the kids. "Is this yours?" Fuyu asked while a little girl nodded eagerly. 

"Yeah! Thank you!" The little girl comes to grab the ball from Fuyu's hold. Fuyu nodded while the little girl look at her. "Do you want to join us?" The little girl asked while Fuyu widen her eyes. "I don't know how..." She muttered while a little boy grins. "Come on now! Let's play!" He pulled Fuyu towards himself while the others followed behind.


The children's parents came to the playground to pick up their kids of course. "What are you doing Hanako! I told you to not play with that girl! She's dangerous" The woman scolded the little girl who was frowning. "Sorry, mommy..." She apologized while Fuyu was looking at them with her sapphire blue-colored eyes.


"Fuyu, Come up!" Iruka shouted while Fuyu walked in front of him with her hands forming the Ram symbol. Fuyu is not that comfortable with her full name being called by her senseis for some reason.

 Fuyu is not that comfortable with her full name being called by her senseis for some reason

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Fuyu then transformed into Iruka who looked at the real Iruka straight in the eyes. Iruka scribbled his pencil on the piece of paper attached to a clipboard before nodding.

"You may transform back, Fuyu..." Iruka said making Fuyu transform back into herself and retreat to the long line of students. "Uzumaki Naruto" Iruka shouted while Naruto stepped out from the line with a confident face.

"Transform!" Naruto did the Ram sign hand making him surrounded by clouds of smoke.

Naruto turns into a naked hot woman and slowed a kiss on Iruka whose face was red. Sensei falls backward with a fountain of blood coming out of his nose. "Hahaha! How was it? I call it the Sexy Jutsu!" Naruto laughed while Fuyu snickered a laugh too.

"You fool! Stop making idiotic spells!" Iruka Sensei shouted standing up while wiping his nose. 'Naruto is always so funny' Fuyu covered her mouth while Naruto pouted due to Iruka constantly scolding him.


Fuyu had her chin placed down while her arms dropped to her side. "We are now about to begin the graduation test. When your name is called, please proceed to the next classroom. The test is on the Clone Jutsu" Iruka announced while Fuyu sighed.

Fuyu easily passed the test and went back to her apartment immediately. The smell of sweets filled her nose making her feel calm. Fuyu took her ninja shoes off and hopped on her bed with her lips forming a smile.

Fuyu then turned into a tiger with beautiful snow-white fur and pitch-black stripes lacing its fur. Fuyu can make her size smaller and bigger if she wanted to. Right now her tail is only one instead of eleven.

Fuyu mastered the skill to decrease her size from normal and also to make some of the eleven tails disappear or appear. She then proceed to close her eyes and slept away.


Fuyu was sitting on the top seat with her face, bored. She was sitting next to Ino and Shikamaru who were also minding their own business. Ino kept glaring at Sakura who was sitting between Sasuke and Naruto meanwhile Shikamaru was slouching on the seat with his arms crossed, eyes closed.

"Now then, next is Group Seven... Uzumaki Naruto... Haruno Sakura... Uchica Sasuke" Iruka announced while the once happy Naruto turned gloomy and the once gloomy Sakura turned happy. "Group Eight... Aburame Shino... Inuzuka Kiba... Hyuga Hinata and lastly... Kitsune Fuyu!" Iruka announced making Fuyu perked her head up. 

"What?! I thought you said one team consisted of only three members??" Fuyu shouted while Iruka chuckled. "Since the number is not equal! One team will have four members!" Iruka replied while Fuyu snapped her head towards Kiba who was already staring at her. Fuyu narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out.


Fuyu and Kiba were now having an intense staring contest while Hinata and Shino just watch from afar. "S-Shino-kun? What are they doing?" Hinata asked while Shino had his arms crossed. "I don't know" Shino replied making Hinata nod and look back at the two. Kiba blinks making Fuyu smile widely.

"Aha! You blink! I win!" Fuyu cheered raising her arms up while Kiba had an irk mark on his forehead. "A dust flew to my eye" Kiba replied while Fuyu pointed at his head. "Stop making excuses! Koinu!" Fuyu said with an irk mark on her cheek while she repeatedly poked Kiba's forehead.

"Stop calling me that! Plus, I'm not making excuses! Tora!" Kiba grabbed Fuyu's hand and leaned closed to her. Koinu meant little dog while Tora meant Tiger. Kiba would call her a tiger due to her similar tiger stripes on her cheeks and her cat ears-shaped buns. "Your lying!" Fuyu put both of her arms on her hip while Kiba crossed his arms on his chest. "Am not!" Kiba narrowed his eyes making his eye-like slits get thinner.

"You are!" 

"Am not!" 

"You are!"

"Am not!" 

"We should calm them down, Hinata..." Shino said while Hinata let out a small hum. "F-Fuyu-chan! Let's have lunch together" Hinata run towards Fuyu with a small blush on her cheeks while Fuyu turned around. "Hai! Let's go!" Fuyu grabbed Hinata's hand and run towards the village's busy streets leaving Kiba and Shino.

"Akamaru? Are you hungry for some beef?" Kiba asked resulting in Akamaru's tail wagging in excitement. "Bark! Bark!" Akamaru barked making Kiba slightly smile. "Alright then! I'm off Shino!" Kiba waved goodbye before running towards the village's busy streets in the same direction Fuyu and Hinata went.

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