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"First, introduce yourself along with your likes, dislikes, future dreams, and hobbies! I'll start first... My name is Kurenai. My likes are private. I'm not too fond of cake. I haven't thought about my future dream... My hobby is private to" Kurenai looking at Shino in progress. "Your turn" Kurenai pointed at Shino who sighed.

"Aburame Shino... I like insects and fighting... I wouldn't say I like being denied to battle a skilled opponent... My dream is to discover new insect breeds... My hobby is tending to my insects" Shino said in his usual calm and monotone voice while Kurenai looked towards Hinata. 

"Eh... H-Hyuga Hinata! I like training and others! I don't dislike anything... My dream is to... w-win Naruto's love and b-be with him... My hobby is pressing flowers" Hinata's face turned red while Kurenai nodded and looked at Kiba. "You?" 

"I'm Inuzuka Kiba! This is Akamaru! I like petting my dog, Akamaru! I dislike a strong perfume aroma! My dream is to protect Konohagakure and Ninja world from evil threats! My hobby is training and taking Akamaru for walks!" Kiba said proudly while Kurenai proceed to look at the last person, Fuyu.

"Do I need to say my full name, sensei?" Fuyu asked tilting her head slightly while Kurenai nodded. "Yes, it is important for your sensei to know the information of each student they train" Kurenai replied making Fuyu sigh. 

"Kitsune Fuyu... I like sweets and hunting! I dislike loud noises, fire, and WATER! And stinky tofu! I don't particularly appreciate swimming in pools, I prefer showers and rain to be exact... My dream is... I wouldn't say being a Hokage... I want to make the villagers appreciate me instead of making fun of me! My hobby is hunting animals in the forest!" Fuyu replied while Kurenai gave a small nod.

"I see... Come back here at 5 in the morning, we are starting the test tomorrow" Kurenai announced while the four kids nodded at the same time. "HAI!"


"This test is going to be very simple but challenging at the same time so be prepared. I hid four bells inside the forest behind you four. Find them before sunset and return them to me, then you pass" Kurenai explained while Fuyu looked behind her to see the humongous forest surrounding them like borders.

"You may start now" Kurenai declares making the four disappear into the forest. "Now, let's see how this goes" Kurenai grins while she heard bushes rustling.


Fuyu was running through the forest while looking left and right. Fuyu's ears suddenly perked up when she heard the jingling sound of a bell making her turn around. There she spotted a small bell tied onto a tree branch but she didn't even bother to move or grab the bell instantly instead, she eyed it up and down from the tree branch to the ground.

'This is suspicious... I don't think a jonin like Kurenai-sensei would place a bell in plain sight...' Fuyu thought while she crouched down to the ground and touched the ground with her hand, her eyes closed. Fuyu opened her eyes to reveal dark blue colored slits in between her round pupils.

She had used her tiger vision to make it clearer... 'Is a trap... There are strings everywhere' Fuyu said to herself while she looked at the thin strings zipping from trees to trees around the bell. Fuyu slipped her hand into her weapon pouch and grabbed three kunai. Fuyu proceed to throw the kunai now coated with a light blue chakra towards the strings.

The strings snapped and fell to the ground like paper while Fuyu make her kunai return to her hand. She slip the three kunai back into her weapon pouch and looked up to the tree. Fuyu jumped up and instantly landed on top of the branch holding the bell. Fuyu snatched the bell and jumped down to the ground while tossing the ball up and down.


Fuyu walked back to Kurenai-sensei with the bell dangling behind her. "Kurenai-sensei!" Fuyu shouted waving her hand up to get Kurenai's attention. "Ah Fuyu... Your back already?" Kurenai asked while Fuyu handed her the small bell. "Of course!" Fuyu giggled while Kurenai slipped the small bell into her pocket with a small smile.

"Then you can stay here for the time being until the rest comes," Kurenai said as Fuyu sit on top of a medium-sized rock beside Kurenai. 


The rest of the team had come back with the bells before sunrise making all of them pass the test and become Genin Ninja. "So you pass? I thought you won't" Kiba huffed while Fuyu narrowed her eyes at him. "Really? I thought YOU won't" Fuyu huffed making Kiba glare at her again. 

"Grrrr" Fuyu and Kiba growled at the same time while staring at each other, leaning closer to each other faces their noses almost touching. Fuyu then lifted her hand and placed it on Kiba's face, pushing it away from her. Kiba stumbles backward while Fuyu scooped Akamaru away from Kiba.

Akamaru barked happily and nudges his head onto Fuyu's arm making her giggle. "Akamaru! You are supposed to bark and bite her!" Kiba yelled while Fuyu pat Akamaru's head using her free hand. "Looks like he liked me more~!" Fuyu said in a sing-song tone before proceeding to stick her tongue out.

Kiba started to yell at Fuyu while she continued to laugh loudly to cover up Kiba's yelling. "Are they always like that?" Kurenai asked Shino and Hinata while watching the two yell and laugh. "Hmm..." Shino nodded making Kurenai sigh. "Attention you two! Get some rest and we will start training and go on missions tomorrow!" Kurenai said a bit louder to get Kiba's and Fuyu's attention.

"Hai! Kurenai-sensei!" Fuyu replied before getting Akamaru snatched away from her arms by Kiba. Fuyu snapped her head towards Kiba and glared at him. 

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