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Fuyu was walking back to the village slowly and steadily since she had two unconscious people on her back which is Naruto and Sakura. Fuyu was the size of a normal tiger right now so she can carry people on her back. Fuyu was jumping from roof to roof with Sasuke jumping beside her.

Fuyu stopped suddenly when she saw a bunch of jonins crowding a certain roof that had tall trees growing from it. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked since he too stopped jumping and landed beside the white tiger. Fuyu's nose twitched making her drop Naruto and Sakura down on the roof tiles.

Fuyu started jumping from roof to roof at intense speed when she smelt the familiar scent. The scent that she smelled was Lord Third scent mixed with a strong smell of blood. Fuyu let out a roar gaining all of the jonins attention, they move out the way making Fuyu land on the roof and see the lifeless body of Lord Third.

She jumped beside the lord third, proceeding to transform into her human form except she still had her cat ears-shaped buns as her real tiger-looking ears and she still had her puffy tiger tail popping out. She sits down while folding her legs and sitting on it, she was holding lord third's hand shaking it desperately.

"O-Old man! Wake up!" She cried while tears started to show up in the corner of her eyes. "No way you're dead... Ne ne ne ne!" Fuyu cried making tears roll from her cheeks.

(A/N: Ne means Hey in Japanese)

Fuyu's tiger ears and tail were also lowered due to being sad. Slowly, her ears and tails started disappearing and her ears turned back into her original cat ears shaped-buns. Fuyu lowered her head while her cries were getting quieter and slower. "He's gone Fuyu..." Kurenai said while she picked Fuyu up and hugged her.


Fuyu was curled up like a ball while sitting on her bed with tears running down her eyes. Memories get coming into her head making her even sadder. 


Little Fuyu was standing in front of Lord Third's desk, shaking and trembling with tears rolling her eyes. "So what are we going to do to her, Lord Hokage?" One of the ANBU members asked while Sarutobi eyed the shaking girl up and down. "We can kill her since she is still weak and unstable right now" Another ANBU member suggested making Fuyu shake even more.

"No" Sarutobi simply replied making the ANBU member stared at him in shock and Fuyu lifted her head to see the old man staring at her. "I'm sorry, what??" Another ANBU member asked while Sarutobi sighed and stand up from his chair. "If Konan sacrificed herself for her daughter's safety... She must love her daughter very much... She is still a child after all" Sarutobi walked towards Fuyu with a calm look on his face.

"If we did kill her, Konan will rage in the afterlife and would probably cast bad luck on our village" Sarutobi explained while he crouched down to little Fuyu's level. "Say little one... What's your name?" Sarutobi calmly asked while Fuyu sniffed her nose. "F-Fuyu! Kitsune Fuyu!" Fuyu replied while Sarutobi lifted his left arm.

Sarutobi placed his hand on top of Fuyu's head making the little girl flinch. "Well Fuyu, Welcome to Konohagure! I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, The Third Hokage"  Sarutobi smiled while the little girl lowered her gaze. "Don't be scared. We are now family" Sarutobi said making the little girl smile slightly.


Fuyu wore her black dress and walked outside her apartment to catch up with her team, her eyes were puffy due to crying. "F...Fuyu-chan!" Hinata waved gaining Kiba's and Shino's attention towards the white-haired girl walking towards them with lowered head. Hinata had a worried expression on her face like usual while Kiba had a concerned and worried expression.

"Oi Tora..? Are you alright?" Kiba asked with concern laced in his voice, Fuyu looked up at the brown-haired boy with her puffy empty dull sapphire eyes. "Don't worry, Koinu! I'm fine... Are you worried about me? How nice" Fuyu's eyes changed into her usual lively ones while she had a wide smile on her face, and her tone turned into a mocking tone at the end.

"N-No! I was just asking! That's all!" Kiba crossed his arms and looked away while the four started to walk towards the funeral. Kiba glanced at Fuyu again, noticing her puffy eyes.


Fuyu stands in between Konohamaru and Kiba while she holds her tears so it doesn't spill. It started to rain which made Fuyu flinch a little due to the sudden impact of the cold drops of water. "We will begin the memorial service for the Third Hokage, who lost his life in this battle as well as the other victims of this battle" 

Fuyu clenched her fist when she heard Konohamaru sobbing beside her, she glanced at the little boy from the corner of her eyes. One by one, each one of them walked up to the beautiful coffin and placed a white rose on top of it. "Why? Why did O-Old man Hokage h-have to die?" Konohamaru muttered making Fuyu bite her lower lip while a tear dropped from her cheek.

She crouched down and placed her hand on Konohamaru's shoulder. Konohamaru and Fuyu are always very close to each other due to Fuyu being very close to Lord Hokage. Konohamaru turned around and immediately hug the white-haired girl to sob on her shoulder. Kiba looked at Fuyu and Konahamaru hugging each other.

Fuyu slowly was sobbing too but it was mostly covered by Konohamaru's sobbing. Once it was Fuyu's turn to place the rose, she let go of the hug and walked toward the row of lines to place the rose. After Shino placed the flower, Fuyu placed the white rose on the coffin with the other pile of roses.

Fuyu lifted her hand up and a small snowflake appeared above her hand, she slowly blows it making it fly and hit the photo frame of Sarutobi. 

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