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Fuyu turned around to see Kiba and Shino standing in the doorways looking at her. "Huh? Go away, Koinu!" Fuyu replied while Naruto grabbed Hinata's flower with a small smile on his face. "I don't think so... Tora" Kiba smirked making Fuyu stomp towards him and leaning closer to his face. "Yeah?" Fuyu asked narrowing her sapphire blue eyes at Kiba's sharp black eyes that looked like slits, staring at hers too.

"Well I was thinking of giving you this anyways" Fuyu retreated and pouted while reaching for something in her pouch. Fuyu brings her hand up to Kiba to show the pretty white gardenia flower she gave to Naruto before.

"Gardenia flowers mean hope and trust! It matched my current feelings for you now! Your lucky I didn't give you any bad flowers" Fuyu flashed a closed-eye smile while she hold the gardenia flowers in her hand, in front of her chest.

Kiba's ears turned red while Akamaru wagged his tail. Kiba kept looking at Fuyu's face, smiling at him. 'So... Pretty' Kiba said to himself not realizing that his face was also turning a bright shade of pink. "Hello?? Earth to Kiba??" Fuyu waved her free hand in front of Kiba's, eventually getting his attention.

Kiba swats Fuyu's hand away from covering his view of vision since her hand was in front of his face. "So you don't want it?" Fuyu asked tilting her head slightly and bringing the flower slowly closer to her, not to him.

Kiba quickly snatched the white gardenia flower from Fuyu's hand while looking away from her. "See! I know you won't decline my gift!" Fuyu cheered while Akamaru also did a little happy dance on top of Kiba's head.

"Shut up! Tora!" Kiba quickly replied making Fuyu stop cheering and looking at him straight in the eyes again. "Can you just at least say thank you for once?? Koinu!!" Fuyu sighed making Kiba glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Thanks... I guess" Kiba muttered making Fuyu's eyes sparkle in happiness. "No problem Koinu!!" She cheered making Kiba blush, he quickly cover it by looking down to the ground.


"Good morning everyone. Glad to see that you are all still in for the training" Kurenai said with a small smile on her face. "What do you mean sensei? We are always training?" Fuyu asked making Kurenai chuckle.

"Come with me" Kurenai gestured to the bushes, walking towards it slowly. The four followed their sensei towards the bushes and went inside it to reach the other side. Fuyu brushed her hair and looked up but then she immediately froze.

In front of her was a river with glistening clear water, a big waterfall falling on top of it beside the river. Fuyu felt a shiver running down her spine to her foot, gulping in progress. Fuyu turned backward and take a step to go back to the bushes.

"Eits, you are not going anywhere Fuyu. This training is specially made for you" Kurenai smirked while she lift Fuyu by her collar. "Sensei!! I hate water and you know it!!" Fuyu yelled in fear while Kurenai set Fuyu to the ground.

"It's also your weakness. We got to deal with this" Kurenai said making Fuyu puff her cheeks. "No! I don't want to!!" Fuyu refused before getting pushed by Kurenai to the water. Fuyu immediately set her chakra to coat her entire body, making her sit on the water.

"So you already mastered it huh? Sit there for an hour then you may continue your basic training" Kurenai informed while Fuyu look down to see the river water flowing beneath her.

"If you ever dismiss the chakra to coat your body, you will fall" Kurenai added as Fuyu sat in a meditating position on top of the water. Kiba, Hinata, and Shino just watched the scene of Fuyu and their sensei talking.

"Ok, stop staring at all of you! Start training over there" Kurenai pointed towards an empty place that was quite close to where Fuyu was. "I will come back at noon" Kurenai waved goodbye before disappearing into the trees and bushes. Fuyu was already focusing on coating her whole body with her chakra.


Fuyu maintains her chakra to coat her entire body until noon so she won't fall inside the river. "I'm back" Kurenai appeared in front of the four making Fuyu stand up on the flowing water.

Kiba, Shino, and Hinata stopped their training to go over to their sensei. Fuyu manages to walk towards Kurenai from the water. When she landed on the solid ground, she collapsed on the ground, right in front of Kurenai's feet.




Kiba immediately run towards Fuyu and crouched down to check on her. "Her energy must be drained from releasing chakra for hours none stop... I am even surprised she can hold the chakra for that long, she dislikes water after all" Kurenai muttered while Kiba slowly lifted Fuyu by slanging her arm onto his shoulder.

'What could I say... She's a descendant of a cat anyways' Kurenai's sweat dropped while Hinata went in front of Kiba to look at Fuyu. Kiba took a glance at Fuyu's unconscious face with a tough but concerned expression.

"Now now Kiba, I will carry her back to her apartment. You three go home and have a guy good rest alright?" Kurenai said while she scooped Fuyu from Kiba's hold. "Hai" The three replied in unison before disappearing.

Kurenai looked at the unconscious Fuyu face with a slight smile on her face. "Maybe it's time to tell the team about her being the Jukibi..." Kurenai muttered while she started walking towards the tall trees.

"I'll talk to her about this later" Kurenai added before jumping from tree to tree, disappearing in sight.

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