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"Hiyaaaa!" Hinata yelled before punching onto a tree with a cushion coating it. Hinata panted while Fuyu put her hand on Hinata's right shoulder. "Are you alright?" Fuyu asked while Hinata nodded and continued her punching. Fuyu glanced at Hinata before sighing and continued to punch the tree with the cushion just like Hinata.

Fuyu stopped punching after 15 minutes and sat down beside Kiba and Shino. "Don't you think Hinata is training a little bit too much?" Fuyu asked Kiba who was chugging down water and Shino who was using a napkin to wipe his sweat. "Just let her train all she wants" Kiba replied.

Fuyu was in this kind of position while her expression was mixing with worry and concern

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Fuyu was in this kind of position while her expression was mixing with worry and concern. "No need to worry for Hinata, Fuyu... If she overtrains herself, I will make sure she stops" Kurenai assures Fuyu from behind getting the little girl's attention. "Kurenai-sensei!" Fuyu yelped making Kurenai smile.

"Have you been training?" Kurenai asked while Fuyu nodded slowly at the question. "Yeah, I'm very tired right now so I'm going to rest" Fuyu replied while Kurenai pat Fuyu's head and walked towards Hinata. Fuyu brings her knees closer to her chest while she placed her chin on top of her knees.


Fuyu had fallen asleep due to her tiredness during the extreme training she did which is making her chakra plus aura flow through her body and released a little bit of them out from her body, coating her entire body. She had to meditate for hours and keep her chakra plus aura flowing, sometimes she would stop flowing it to take a break for a bit.

Kiba glanced towards the sleeping figure of Fuyu next to him, leaning against the tree.

Kiba glanced towards the sleeping figure of Fuyu next to him, leaning against the tree

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Instead of her hand being crossed over her chest, it was falling limp on her side. Kiba kept staring at her closed eyes. "Mmm..." Akamaru hummed in a whining tone getting Kiba's attention. Kiba's cheek turned red while he looked away from Fuyu's sleeping figure. "I'm not interested in Tora" Kiba puffed his cheeks while he crossed his arms.

"Yeah right..." Shino muttered while Kiba's ear perked up, looking at Shino in progress. "What did you say?!" Kiba yelled making Shino look in Kiba's direction. Shino didn't even bother to answer Kiba so he slowly turned his head away from Kiba and towards Hinata training with Kurenai.

"Answer me god dammit!!" Kiba yelled getting kinda irritated by Shino's behavior. "Can you please keep the noise down? Hoaaam~" Fuyu muttered slowly while yawning at the end of her sentence. Kiba looked at her, along with Akamaru and Shino. "You're awake?" Kiba asked getting an 'Isn't it obvious' look from Fuyu.

"Thanks to you, dar-ling" Fuyu sarcastically replied making Kiba once again have a tint of red on her cheeks. "Hey! It's not my fault that Shino pissed me off!" Kiba shouted as a reply making Fuyu sigh and rubbed her eyes. "Interesting fact, Kiba" Shino muttered again while a small irk mark appeared on his cheek.

"OI! YOU-" 

"Let's go back, everyone..." Kurenai said making the three look up at the female jonin. Kurenai was carrying a passed-out Hinata which had stains of dirt all over her clothes and body. "Hai... Kurenai-sensei..." Fuyu stand up slowly and proceed to brush her clothes to get rid of the dust that stuck onto her when she was sleeping, leaning against the tree.


Team seven, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke had just returned from their C-Rank mission. Sasuke and Naruto got sent to the hospital immediately after they return while Sakura didn't get sent because she isn't injured during the mission. "F-Fuyu-chan!" Hinata stuttered while she was getting dragged by Fuyu to a flower shop.

"I heard Naruto is already conscious! So why not buy some flowers for him??" Fuyu grins while the two entered the store seeing Ino at the cashier. "Ah, what are your business here Fuyu, Hinata" Ino crossed her arms on her chest while eyeing the two girls suspiciously up and down. "We are here to buy some flowers for Naruto!" Fuyu cheered looking around at the different kinds of flowers surrounding them.

"Oh, alright then" Ino muttered and continued to mind her own business.


Fuyu ended up getting two gardenia flowers while Hinata get 1 red rose. 

"Now let's go visit Naruto! You might even tell him your feelings!" Fuyu giggled making Hinata turn red from getting flustered

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"Now let's go visit Naruto! You might even tell him your feelings!" Fuyu giggled making Hinata turn red from getting flustered. Fuyu and Hinata told the woman at the front desk about their visit to Naruto and Sasuke, the woman told Naruto's room with a smile. Fuyu and Hinata thanked the woman and quickly go to the room where Naruto and Sasuke is.

"Naruto!" Fuyu opened the door to the room seeing Naruto laying on the hospital bed with Sasuke beside him on his own hospital bed. Sakura and Kakashi were also there, visiting them of course. "Fuyu-chan! Hinata-chan!" Naruto's eyes beamed while Fuyu skipped towards him with Hinata behind her.

"Naruto, you looked beat up" Fuyu joked pulling out one of her gardenia flowers from behind her. Naruto laughed and gladly accepted Fuyu's flower. "N-Naruto-kun" Hinata stuttered while blushing. Hinata pulled out a red rose from her back and put it in front of Naruto's face. "For me?" Naruto asked confused making Hinata turn even redder.

"Y-Yes" Hinata blushed while Fuyu nudged Hinata's shoulder playfully. "Say something, Hinata-chan! " Fuyu cheeree while Hinata's faces turn into the color of the red rose itself!

"Why do we have to be here" 

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