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"Why do we need to wake up that troublesome cat" Shikamaru groans while the there including Kakashi's ninja dog, Pakkun approached a sleeping Fuyu and Kiba. "Cause Kakashi-sensei say so! Just keep watch while I release the Genjutsu" Sakura responded while she started to throw some hand signs.

Fuyu was trembling and shaking, her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips were also wiggling and trembling, and she seemed also to be gripping Kiba's hand tightly. "Why does she look so scared?? And angry?? Is she having a nightmare?" Naruto asked while Sakura reached her hand out to tap Fuyu's chest.

"Maybe" Shikamaru replied. When Sakura was about to touch Fuyu's chest, her hand bounced away from Fuyu's chest making her fall backward. "Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted while helping Sakura up.

"I can't touch her! Is like she had a barrier or something around her!!" Sakura panted while groaning was heard. Kiba was rubbing his eyes while Akamaru stretched himself. "What the heck?" Kiba yawned not noticing that Fuyu was sleeping on his lap.

"Huh? Kiba? Why are you awake??" Naruto scratched his head while Kiba deadpanned him? "Am I not supposed to be awake?" Kiba replied sarcastically while Sakura was confused.

"I didn't release your Genjutsu though..." Sakura muttered while Kiba let out a surprised hum when he saw Fuyu sleeping on his lap but looking scared and angry at the same time. "Oi Fuyu! Wake up you dumbo" Kiba said reaching his hand out to shake Fuyu.

"Don't do that Kiba!" Naruto shouted gaining Kiba's attention from touching or shaking Fuyu. "Huh? Why?" Kiba asked while Sakura sighed.


"I see... So how can we get rid of the Genjutsu spell if we can't even touch her?? That means I can't even get up!" Kiba asked making Sakura whine in frustration. "I don't know how!! There got to be some sort of techniques to do it!" Sakura scratched her head before one of the sound ninjas appeared behind them ready to attack.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted while the sound ninja had his arm lifted to stab Sakura with the kunai. Suddenly the ninja was punched away from them making a hole in the wall. "Guy-sensei!" Sakura said while the dust revealed Guy standing there with a serious face.

Kakashi also appeared behind Guy while blocking away the kunai thrown at them. "There might be a problem for releasing the Genjutsu spell cast at Fuyu, Sakura..." Kakashi informed while Sakura nodded.

"Yeah! I tried touching her but I was thrown away!" Sakura replied making Kiba much more confused. 'Wait for a second... Isn't she touching me right now??' Kiba thought to himself when he felt Fuyu's trembling hand gripping his hand.

"Those guys were very clever indeed... They made our most powerful weapon fall into a strong Genjutsu spell. Due to her actions right now, Fuyu might be having a nightmare. That's why she is making a protection barrier using her chakra... Bastards..." Kakashi explained while Guy also muttered a cursed word.

"Hold on! If Sakura said that she got thrown away when she tried to touch Fuyu, why am I not thrown away yet??" Kiba asked getting all the eyes towards him. Fuyu was holding Kiba's hand while he too hold her hand.

Fuyu was also touching Kiba's lap to sleep. "Kakashi, do you think that Fuyu made the shield touchable to certain people? Cause if it is true, only Lord Hokage is close to her" Guy whispered gaining a small nod from Kakashi.

"Maybe but we don't know yet... The only way to find out is..." Kakashi muttered before clearing his throat. "Kiba, I want you to touch Fuyu..." Kakashi said making Sakura and Naruto gasp while Shikamaru and Kiba widen their eyes.

"Wouldn't I be thrown away?!" Kiba replied while Kakashi nodded. "I want to test things out, so go ahead" Kakashi gave his original closed-eye smile while Kiba sighed. "Well... Here I go..." Kiba muttered reaching his hand out towards the trembling and shaking Fuyu.

Once Kiba placed his hand on top of Fuyu's forehead, Fuyu stopped furrowing her eyebrows when she felt the warm touch on her forehead. "Huh? He didn't get thrown away?" Naruto tilted his head while Kakashi chuckled. "Just as I thought" Kakashi muttered while Naruto pulled up his sleeves.

"If he can do it! I can!" Naruto went over to touch Fuyu without a warning. "Naruto! Wait!" Sakura shouted but it was too late, Naruto touched Fuyu's hand and got blasted away. Kakashi quickly caught Naruto just on time before he got thrown out on the battlefield. "Idiot! Don't do reckless things like that!" Sakura scold Naruto while Naruto gave an awkward laugh.

"You three, your mission is to track up Sasuke, join him, and then stop him! Surely after Fuyu is awake, I would send her after you" Kakashi informed. "Hah? Did something happen to Sasuke?" Naruto asked while Sakura picked him up. "I'll tell you later! Let's go now!" Sakura shouted.


"Kakashi, can you do it?" Guy asked mockingly while Kakashi sighed. "Of course, I can... Guy" Kakashi replied while they both stand over Fuyu and Kiba. Kakashi and Guy started to throw hand signs and kept chanting words. A sweat bead dropped from Kiba's forehead as he let out a loud gulp.

After they finish the chanting, they bring their hand down toward Fuyu. Their hands were stopped by an invisible barrier but they weren't thrown away. "Release!" The two male jonins shouted making an air force appear beneath their feet. Kakashi and Guy were also sweating a little due to how strong the barrier is. 

Kiba saw how the invisible barrier was shaking revealing the actual coat. It was not only covering her but it was covering him too. 'Did she intend to protect me too?' Kiba said to himself while the invisible barrier started to get thicker than before. Kakashi and Guy were also slowly pushed away making the floor crack underneath their feet.

"Tora! Just let them in! They're trying to help you to get out of that nightmare!" Kiba shouted getting a response of Fuyu's finger twitching a little. The barrier slowly got thinner and thinner making it easier for Kakashi and Guy to push back. Kakashi and Guy's hands finally got through Fuyu's barrier and it immediately hit her chest.

Kakashi and Guy retreat their hands while waiting for Fuyu to wake up. Fuyu opened her eyes and sat up making her head hit Kiba's chin in progress. "OW!" Kiba yelled while Fuyu looked around at her surroundings. 

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