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"So that's why I can't get up..." Fuyu muttered while holding her chin, Kiba was glaring at Fuyu silently while rubbing his chin. "I was wondering Fuyu, How can you know the difference between another person touching you or Kiba touching you? I'm curious!" Guy asked while Fuyu's sweat dropped.

"Ah... Is simple actually! I knew that Kiba smelled like dogs or sometimes dog shampoo! I also know that Old man Hokage smelled like rock and wood for some reason" Fuyu explained while Guy gasped in amazement. "That's brilliant!" Guy clapped while he shed tears. "Fuyu... Go after Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru to the forest. I'm sure you can track them with your sensitive nose. That's a mission" Kakashi said with a small smile under his mask.

"Right away! Bye-bye Koinu!" Fuyu waved goodbye before jumping out of the large hole created by Guy when he punched the sound ninja. "Kakashi... Are you sure that Fuyu can stop Sasuke from doing the bad?" Guy asked in a low tone while Kakashi tossed him a kunai. "Fuyu would interfere in the battle" Kakashi replied as he walked towards the railing.

"If she is confident, she will do it" Kakashi gave his original closed-eye smile while he jumped on the railings. 


Fuyu was jumping from tree to tree at such speed to catch up with the others. 'Is someone in trouble back at the village?' Fuyu looked back to see tall trees. 'Nah it's probably just that stupid hunch or something' Fuyu shrugged as she continued to track down Sasuke's scent. When she arrived at the spot, she saw Sasuke laying on the tree branch with some weird black marks on his face while Sakura was pinned on the tree using... Shukaku's arm...

"Sasuke! Are you alright??" Fuyu asked worriedly while Sasuke opened half of his eyelids. "H...Hm... N-Naruto..." Sasuke weakly tried to move his hands to point at Naruto but he failed to do so. "Stay here and don't move!" Fuyu ordered before climbing up onto the tallest tree. Once she reached the top, she saw Shukaku's giant figure and Kurama's giant figure fighting with each other.

"That's not the real Kurama... Kurama won't fight Shukaku" Fuyu muttered while her nose twitched again. "A toad sage? And Naruto!" Fuyu said in surprise when she smell Naruto and a frog scent mixed inside Kurama. "I guess I need to stop Shukaku from destroying the village and killing Naruto" Fuyu sighed while closing her eyes before she jumped away from the tree. 

Fuyu opened her eyes as she was in the air to reveal the round pupils as sharp slits. Fuyu cat liked bunned hair turned into real tiger ears which had some black striped decorating it. A long white tail with a black stripe comes out from under her skirt while her nails grow longer and sharper again.

 A long white tail with a black stripe comes out from under her skirt while her nails grow longer and sharper again

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Fuyu then turned into her full-tailed beast form which also make her a giant

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Fuyu then turned into her full-tailed beast form which also make her a giant. Except her size was twice bigger than the fake Kurama and Shukaku. "Shukaku! Stop this battle right this instant!" Fuyu roared making the whole forest shake due to the massive force. Shukaku froze at the loud voice but slowly turned around at the white tiger.

Her beautiful tiger tail seemed much puffier and fluffier than a normal tiger. She had eleven beautiful tails while her sharp sapphire blue eyes stared at Shukaku's yellow eyes. Kurama then poofed back into a large toad and Naruto on top of his head, staring at the majestic creature in front of him.

"L-Lord!" Shukaku stuttered while smoke comes out from Fuyu's nose or the white tiger nose. "Shukaku... Give Gaara his body back" Fuyu ordered while her sentence came out with a threatening tone and a few growling from it. "But My Lord! That boy! He makes me angry!" Shukaku said while Fuyu glanced at Naruto from the corner of her eyes.

"That boy, huh?" Fuyu walked closer to Naruto and lowered her head starting at Naruto with her large eyes. "Crap Chief Toad! If she is also going to attack us! Is going to be bad!" Naruto muttered while the chief toad slowly nodded.

Fuyu opened her mouth wide revealing her sharp fangs and teeth. Naruto already stands in his fighting stance. "Hoamm" Fuyu yawned making Naruto's hair sway harder. "Huh?" Naruto tilted his head when Fuyu stood back up to look at Shukaku.

"What did he do?" Fuyu asked calmly while Shukaku lowered his head. "He punched me" Shukaku replied while Fuyu groaned resulting in a small growl. "Shukaku, you've returned many punches to him so stop being a baby and give Gaara his body back!" Fuyu said while Shukaku looked towards Naruto.

"Alright... I'm sorry my lord" Shukaku apologized before he cracked into pieces. Gaara landed on a pine tree along with Naruto on a pine tree in front of the one Gaara landed on.


Naruto and Gaara had a little argument but it ended up with Naruto punching Gaara. While Naruto and Gaara were down on the ground, Fuyu took her time by resizing herself into a size of a normal tiger.

Fuyu in her white tiger form walked towards where Sasuke and Naruto were and saw Temari and Kankuro guarding Gaara while Sasuke was beside Naruto. When Fuyu walked in, all eyes turned toward her.

Sasuke took his kunai out, thinking that it was one of the dangerous creatures in the forest. "Relax Sasuke..." Fuyu said making Sasuke kind of shocked. Fuyu only had one other tail other than eleven.

"I've had enough... Stop here" Gaara simply said making Kankuro and Temari look at him, surprised. "Alright..." Kankuro picked up Gaara and soon he disappeared with Temari. "Put Naruto on my back, perhaps bring Sakura too and put her on my back too" Fuyu blinked while Sasuke still kept the kunai up.

"How can I trust you?" Sasuke eyed Fuyu suspiciously while Fuyu walked closer to him. "Idiot, it's me! Fuyu!" Fuyu deadpanned while Sasuke widens his eyes. "Just get Sakura and Naruto on!" Fuyu said as Sasuke carry Naruto and placed him on top of Fuyu's back.

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