Chapter 3: Nothing Would Make Me Happier

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"HEY! We aren't finished young lady!"

Cara stopped in her tracks halfway down the hall to the tower elevators, rolling her eyes turning around as she did. Steve also turned but Bucky didn't even flinch, pressing the elevator button to go down to the living quarters floor. Tony, still mostly in his suit with the exception of his mask and helmet, was marching down the hall after her. Before Steve could even say anything to her or Tony, Cara let him know she could handle this on her own.

"Steve, go with Bucky. Why don't you guys go get showered and then spend some time with your sons. I'll be down in a bit." Cara said without looking at him.

"Are you-" Steve started.

"She's sure Rogers. She's a big girl and can handle herself can't you Barton." Tony said, a serious look on his face.

Cara didn't respond. It wasn't a question he expected an answer to anyway. Without another word Steve reluctantly turned to follow Bucky into the elevator. Tony and Cara stared at each other intensely, not breaking eye contact or even speaking until the elevator doors shut on Steve and Bucky. When they did, Tony didn't hold back.

"What the hell was that today?! Huh? You put the whole mission at risk- you put Nat and Sam at risk because you questioned my judgement call after I made a comment for you three to get out." Tony yelled.

"You said all new parents-"

"So that you three knew I meant you Barton! I'd never doubt you especially on doing your job because I know you can do it and better than most of us, just because your a mom now!! Shit! You literally popped two kids out of you and hours later suited up and demanded to be on mission! And I fought for you to be on that mission if you remember!" Tony continued yelling.

Cara stood silently, jaw tense. He had stood up for her when Fury told her no before they left. She had even recalled him calling her a vital part of the team, something she hadn't taken lightly. It had meant a lot to her.

"So get it through that stubborn ass head of yours that the only one ever doubting you, is yourself! But don't you dare compromise this team or a mission again! Do you understand me?!" Tony said firmly, pointing at her, voice still raised.

"Yes, sir." Cara said respectively, nodding that she understood.

Tony stared at her a minute before he exhaled deeply bringing her into a hug.

"Don't doubt yourself again either kid. There's definitely no reason for that." Tony said hugging her.

Cara smiled squeezing him back, but as touching as this was, she could never pass up the opportunity to mess with him.

"Kid huh? So are you grandpa then?" Cara teased.

"And you've ruined it. Good night Barton!" Tony said as he let go of her starting to walk away.

"Hey I get it! You have this weird thing about unofficially adopting parent less children!" Cara continued.

"Barton-" Tony started.

"I mean I'm a lot older than Parker is, and it is kinda weird now that you hit on me when I moved in-" Cara pushed.

"Go to bed! Or go take care of your kids!" Tony yelled disappearing around the corner.

"Night Dad!" Cara yelled getting one last quip in.

Though she couldn't see him, she was sure he was rolling his eyes at her. Smiling to herself she pressed the elevator button, anxiously waiting to go shower so she could hold her boys.

After the fastest shower of her life, Cara quickly put on a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a soft t-shirt before making the short trip down the hall to the nursery. When she slowly opened the door so as not to startle anyone, she almost immediately covered her mouth stifling a laugh. Both Steve and Bucky were sitting in the rockers, eyes closed, lazily rocking their sleeping sons, almost asleep themselves. Sneaking over as quietly as she could, she spoke softly, still trying not to scare them.

"You know, rocking is to put them to sleep not you two."

Steve and Bucky's eyes both opened tiredly, looking in her directing without moving too much. Each of them smiled at her as well before looking back down at their sleeping children. Cara kissed Bucky on the forehead before turning to Steve, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. She went to sit on one of the nursery couches when Steve reached out grabbing her hand, stopping her. Surprised she turned back to look at him, his hand still firmly grasping her wrist.

"Steve, what on earth-"

"Marry me Cara."

Bucky looked at Steve suddenly, both in confusion and what looked like a bit of sadness as well.

"Did you hit your head? We're already engaged." Cara said with a laugh.

"No I mean marry me. No more planning a date no more picking out colors or finger foods or a menu, just marry me." Steve said.

Cara looked at him studying his face carefully. His eyes were looking at her with so much love in them, it made her weak in her knees. His smile was so soft but genuine and he was radiating fulfillment. Cara then eyed their son in his arm, sleeping peacefully on Steve's chest, and that was all it took.

"Alright Captain Rogers, let's get married." Cara said with a sigh followed by a smile.

Steve's smile broadened before he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

"Do you mean right now? Because I'd like to change if you do." Cara said with a laugh.

"No not right this minute. Friday. Give Nat and Sam a few days to recover. But Friday, at dusk, surrounded by all out friends, our family, we're getting married." Steve said.

Not being able to resist she quickly kissed him a little deeper. When she slowly withdrew, Bucky's voice reminded her of the complicated situation they were in.

"Congratulations, Friday it will be official. One little perfect family." Bucky said slightly on edge not looking at either of them.

Cara's heart fell slightly. For as much as she loved Steve, there was always part of her heart that would belong to Bucky. Before she could say or do anything, Steve intervened.

"Yeah Buck that's right, our family. She's my wife, I've wanted to marry her almost immediately after the moment I met her. There's nothing that's going to stop that. But, we are all a family. The 5 of us will always be a family, and I'd really like my best friend to stand beside me while I marry the woman of my dreams." Steve said.

Bucky thought his words over carefully, nodding as he did. Eventually a small smile broke out onto his face and he looked at Steve briefly before looking at Cara as he answered.

"Absolutely. Nothing would make me happier."

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