Chapter 13: Our Son

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As they rushed back to New York at top speed, Cara's heart was pounding. There was the slightest hint of fear on her mind but mostly she was filled with rage.

"Cara! Let me come with you!" Steve struggled through comms, clearly still in combat.

"No Steve, stay and help the rest of the team, I've got Sam with me." She replied all too calm.

Sam glanced down at her in question of her calmness briefly. When she didn't look back at him he turned his attention back to flying. Cara noticed they were already passing over Philadelphia. They were making good time.

"You don't have to do this alone!" Bucky added.

Though he sounded calm as well, Cara could sense the worry in his voice. Getting sick of the two of them she sighed heavily replying.

"Once again, I'm not alone I have Sam with me." Cara said.

"I'm starting to get offended by the way you two just assume I'll be absolutely no help in this situation." Sam added.

"AND if you insist on helping, fine, you can. After you clear every single last one of Rumlow's men out of there, as well as get Rumlow back to where he came from." Cara said with a mischievous smile.

They both groaned in her ear.

"Don't forget the big picture here boys." She added.

"Fine! Buck?" Steve said.

This was the first time Steve had spoken directly to Bucky since their fist fight, catching Cara by surprise.

"Yeah Steve?" He asked hesitantly.

"Let's hurry this up so we can get to our girl." Steve said.

Our girl. There was a slight pang of hope in her heart. Maybe things could go back to normal after this. Steve and Bucky could bury the hatchet  on the whole situation and be best friend again and Cara could still have both of the men she loved in her life again conflict free. As the unmistakable New York skyline came into view she pushed these thoughts aside, refocusing. It was a good thing they were close too, she could tell Sam was getting tired of holding onto her.

When they landed on the landing pad they both immediately ran into the tower. From the moment they entered, Cara could tell it had been a mistake for her to just bring Sam. Entering the tower there was blood spatter and bodies everywhere. Agents as well as staff littered the hallways, the same still cold look of horror on their lifeless faces. As they approached the living quarters, she couldn't help but notice the bloody bootprints on the floor, a few holes in the wall the size of a fist, and the security detail as well as the nanny heaped in front of the nursery door which was ajar. Guns already raised she and Sam moved silently toward the door and into position.

Holding his hand up, Sam insisted he go first. Not wanting to make their presence known she wasn't able to argue with him. Scowling at him as he slowly pushed the door open, she was only a few steps behind him. Which is why neither of them saw it coming. Sam was suddenly hit in the arm then the neck with knives. As he dropped, Cara looked in horror across the room at the long haired other "Winter Soldier" Bucky, holding a fast asleep Jackson in his right arm.

"No, no, no, no, no! Sam stay with me!" Cara said dropping to the ground to help him.

Tearing a blanket she began packing around the knife, knowing better than to pull either of them out. She created a tourniquet above the arm wound as Sam began coughing and sputtering. When she saw the blood on his lips, tears began pooling and falling from her eyes.

"Sam Wilson don't you dare quit on me! Hang in there!" She whimpered as she wiped his mouth for him keeping pressure on the neck wound.

Sam tried to swallow shaking his head.

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