Chapter 10: He Didnt Come Alone

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After following Dr. Strange through the swirling portal, she and Steve ended up in what looked to be an enormous mansion with a sweeping staircase. Where they were, she wasn't sure but she kept her hand on her bow and the other hand holding 3 knocked but not drawn arrows at the ready. Just in case. They two of them instantly felt out of place in the foyer in their bathing suits, each holding their signature weapon. Cara felt even more awkward when she noticed other people walking through, or milling about, staring at her. Feeling the heat in her cheeks she tried to distract herself and remain professional, but she was beginning to regret not grabbing her cover up. Steve seemed less phased than she was, walking around in just his swim trunks, but she could tell not having a shirt on was bothering him a bit.

"Where the hell-" Cara began to ask as Strange started up the stairs.

Raising a finger as he spoke he cut her off.

"I apologize, I'm sure both of you would be more comfortable if you were dressed." He said.

Suddenly as if on a spinning out of control merry-go-round the room spun before stopping in a library like setting. Steve and Cara looking at one another before looking at themselves noticing they were dressed in their super hero uniforms. Looking at Dr. Strange puzzled, he looked at them raising his eyebrows nodding his head slightly. As if he was trying to prove to them how hospitable he was with the gesture of dressing them. All it did was freak Cara out more and confuse Steve.

"How did you-" Steve started to ask but Strange interrupted again.

Putting a finger up and walking away between them the room spun suddenly again and when it stopped they had plopped into large armchairs side by side. Sitting opposite them, a foot up on his other knee, each fingertip pressed against an opposite finger tip, looking calmly at them, was Dr. Strange. Cara was beginning to feel sick and Steve was trying to shake his vision clear.

"Something to drink? Tea?" Strange offered holding out one hand.

A handless tea cup full of hot tea appeared in her hand as well as Steve's. Suddenly realizing they were unarmed Cara looked at Strange even more guarded now.

"I don't drink tea." Steve said coldly.

He had also realized they had been disarmed in the confusion. Suddenly an old style coffee cup appeared in his hand full of hot coffee. Steve and Cara looked at it briefly before looking back at him. He just sat there with a polite smile on his face, somewhat impressed with himself.

"Okay asshole, no more party tricks! Where is my bow?" Cara asked.

"Oh you'll get your weapons back upon your departure. Please, just relax and listen. There's a matter of grave importance I need to speak to you about." He replied.

"Then maybe you should stop jerking us around, and get on with it pal." Steve encouraged.

Dr. Strange looked at Steve slightly taken aback a moment before grinning to himself continuing.

"Right... have either of you heard of the multiverse?" Dr. Strange asked.

"The multi- what?" Steve asked quickly.

Cara couldn't control herself, letting out a giggle causing Steve to give her a dirty look before looking back at Dr. Strange just as sternly. Looking from Steve to Cara and back again, Dr. Strange sat back in his chair cocking his head slightly, puzzled.

"I'm not sure what exactly is so funny, either you have or your haven't heard of it. My guess is clearly you haven't." He said.

"Oh, I have, it's a load of crock if you ask my personal opinion but you asked Steve if he knew what it was. That's what's funny. He can't even figure out how to work the high tech toaster at the tower, let alone multiple universes existing simultaneously." Cara said still giggling.

"I was born in 1918 sweetheart and went into the ice in 1945. Excuse me if some of todays technology still eludes me." Steve said defensively.

As Strange and Cara looked at him both in different ways, one amused, the other confused, Steve mumbled under his breath.

"It's a toaster, I don't know why it needs a little screen on it and all these other options. Just toast the bread for crying out loud."

"Wow, okay. I'm beginning to believe I grabbed the wrong Avengers." Dr. Strange said more to himself but Cara didn't hesitate.

"Perfect! If we can have our weapons back and you can return us to our honeymoon, I would greatly appreciate it." Cara said standing up "we have 2 more days before it's back to the circus and I'd like to enjoy them in peace with my husband."

As Cara took one step however the room spun rapidly again and when it stopped she was suddenly sitting back in the chair. Steve was gripping both arm rests and Dr. Strange was still sitting across from them calmly in his chair. Cara was beginning to get frustrated as well as feel slightly sicker each time.

"Stop doing that!" She said through gritted teeth.

"I didn't make a mistake. This issue involves both you and your husband." Dr. Strange said seriously.

If her looks could kill, Dr. Strange would have been dead. Cara's face quickly changed to one of a stone cold killer as she slowly sat forward in her seat resting her elbows on her knees, her hands clasped together. Steve eyed her uneasily, knowing this look all to well.

"You have 5 seconds to start making some sense before I start tearing you apart piece by piece Strange." Cara said angrily but all too calmly.

"Someone at Hydra has been playing with the multiverse. Are you familiar with Brock Rumlow?" Dr. Strange asked.

Cara gritted her teeth growing more impatient.

"Yes we captured him over a week ago. SHIELD sent him to The Raft." Steve interjected.

"You're sure of that?" Strange asked an eyebrow.

"Yes." Steve and Cara answered together.

The room spun again and when it stopped Cara was standing next to Steve as Strange stood behind a desk shuffling through papers and pictures. Cara went to step forward to give him a piece of her mind but Steve grabbed her arm holding her back. She gave him a dirty look just as Strange came around the desk holding something. He handed it to them as he spoke, Steve taking it and holding it so they both could study it.

"This was taken off of CCTV footage 2 hours ago in DC. See anyone you know?" Strange asked.

Cara and Steve studied the picture. In the background, to their surprise, was Rumlow. Walking down the street, followed by several of his men. Before they could say anything, he handed them another picture. This one was a still shot of Rumlow in his cell on The Raft, the time stamp was 2 hours ago, the same as the CCTV photo. Now Cara knew he wasn't yanking them around, that the multiverse was real and that they had a big problem on their hands.

"How is this possible?" Steve asked.

"Holy shit..." Cara uttered at the same time.

"I'm not sure how many more there are, or if there are more, but even just one extra Rumlow here, can cause devastation of cataclysmic levels, ending this reality as we know it." Dr. Strange said eagerly.

"This is clearly going to take more than just us, we will need the whole team." Steve said studying the pictures with a scrunched brow.

"So why us? Why did you need us specifically?" Cara asked studying him more carefully.

Dr. Strange handed them each a third photo, an enhanced photo similar to the first one they had been handed. Except this time, the person in the foreground had moved out of frame, exposing another person following closely behind Rumlow, his face visible just over Rumlows right shoulder, causing Cara's heart to drop and Steve to looked up in shock.

"He didn't come alone."

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