Chapter 15: A New Day

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"Sweetheart, it's time to get up."

With a gentle kiss on her cheek he moved away from her and out of the bed. Cara opened her eyes slowly, dreading what his words meant.

After waffles that morning and some much needed crying from both she and Bucky, Cara had returned to she and Steve's room. After a quick shower she had crawled into bed naked, hair still wet, eyes burning with tears. Steve had rolled over pulling her into him holding her tightly to him. He kissed the back of her head and her cheek, and let her roll over and cry herself to sleep into his chest. He had watched her sleep for a long time while he held her, admiring her beauty, trying to imagine what she was going through, as if it had been their son that had been taken instead of Bucky's. As he stared at her, he noticed the bruising, the cuts, and scratches on her, knowing full well exactly where they came from.

Frowning slightly, he realized they'd never been able to have their talk before their honeymoon had been interrupted. That moment certainly wasn't the time to have it either. He wasn't even really sure he knew where he stood on the matter anymore and decided to just be thankful Bucky had snapped her out of the rage filled state she had been in, at least enough for her to sleep for a few hours. Kissing her forehead before telling her he loved her, he then had rolled back onto his back, her head still resting on his chest, closing his eyes again.

Cara rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she heard Steve start the shower. She slowly sat up swinging her legs over the edge of the bed before getting up and putting a robe on. She was just about to start putting her makeup on when she heard Evan begin to fuss from the bassinet. Smiling, she glided over to him swooping him up into her arms. As she walked around cradling him bouncing him gently, she smiled down at his little face soothing him.

"Hey little man, what's all the fuss hmm?" She asked softly.

His scrunched face and little whines answered her before he let out a small cry.

"Oh is that so? Well I think it's time for a bottle and some one on one time with your momma." She said to him.

Smiling down at him every bit of her softened. She hadn't noticed Steve standing in the doorway, leaning against its frame, a towel wrapped around his waist. When he walked towards her, she looked up smiling at him now too. He put his arm around her waist standing so Evan was in between them, his other hand placed cupping the top of Evans head caressing his forehead with his thumb. The embrace of both his parents seemed so soothe him as he let out a small exhale of relief. As they stood there a moment Steve couldn't help but feel so whole. The love of his life, finally his wife, and their perfect son, the family he had always wanted. Both of them looking up at one another at the same time they kissed, slowly, lovingly, before pulling away each with a smile on their face.

"I love you." Steve said in a warm whisper.

"I love you more." She responded.

"Not possible." He replied with a slight chuckle.

Cara winked at him smiling more.

"Why don't I go give him a bottle while you get ready?" He offered.

"No that's alright, you get ready while we take a quick trip to the kitchen and when we're back, I can get ready." She counter offered.

Steve held his hands up in defeat.

"Alright, you win, don't take too long though. We're on a schedule." Steve reminded.

"Don't worry Captain, we won't." Cara said kissing him again before she left with Evan.

Warming up a bottle, she stood smiling at him, rocking him gently, kissing his little hands as he watched her curiously. She talked non stop to him the whole time, even as he took his bottle after she carefully checked it's temperature. His bright blue eyes watched her, captivated by every word and every expression on her face. When he was done she carefully placed him against her shoulder gently patting his back until he let out a large burp. Laughing, she brought him back down cradling him in her arms before they returned to the room. When they did, Steve was already ready. Hair combed neatly, black suit with a black tie and dress shoes, a white button down shirt under the suit jacket. The sight of him made her face fall into a frown, the days events sinking in again. Steve gently took Evan from her as he kissed her on the forehead again.

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