Chapter 18: Betrayed

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Cara numbly stood under the warm water of the shower, eyes closed, consumed by the images flashing through her mind. The evenings events ran through her mind vividly. She could hear the screams so vividly, her own heart beating steadily, but so calmly. Unfazed. The anger flashed through her mind as well, watching the Winter Soldier leave with her son, the light leaving Sam's eyes, her own screams from that night filling her ears. Her thoughts were only interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening suddenly. She didn't even open her eyes, knowing already it was Steve. Enjoying the water for just another moment, the blood long washed from her hair and skin but the rage still bubbling underneath.

"You want to explain to me what the fuck that was?!" Steve yelled.

Not answering right away, Cara smiled her eyes still closed. Then slowly, she turned her head in his direction. When her eyes did open, the venom behind them was still burning like a flame. Steve's face faltered for only a second, determined to remain with the upper hand, but the lack of remorse in her eyes had thrown him slightly. Cara stood silently the water running over her carelessly, but it was like she didn't even notice. Steve spoke again, his tone still stern despite his concern.

"Cara! I asked you a question! What the fuck was that?!"

"Justice." She purred.

The hair on the back of Steve's neck stood up as his arms broke out in goosebumps. He was glad he was still wearing his jacket so she couldn't see. Though he had a feeling she already knew.

"That wasn't justice that was downright savagery!  That's not how we do things and you damn well know it! Clint is just as at fault as you are here but I'm not responsible for him." Steve said seriously.

His eyes bore into hers and Cara smirked letting out a scoff as she turned back to enjoying the water.

"Oh and you're responsible for me?" She said in a laugh.

"Yes, Mrs. Rogers, I am."

She frowned at him before turning the water off and stepped out of the shower. Walking past him like he wasn't even there, she dried herself off quietly before wrapping her hair up in a towel. Looking at him in the mirror her answer was cold.

"Just because we're married, doesn't mean I answer to you or anyone else for that matter." She said before leaving the bathroom.

Steve sighed heavily rubbing his eyelids before following her into their bedroom. He eyes her body as she swayed to the wardrobe. Knowing this was intentional, he forced himself focus, staring directly at the back of her head. Cara glanced over her shoulder at him, a smirk on her lips and fire in her eyes before turning back to rifle through the clothes.

"You know I'm not trying to control you and I never would. But you know that we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. We have rules to follow." Steve said, his voice level and firm.

She laughed in a way that made Steve uncomfortable as she pulled on a pair of tactical pants.

"You such a fucking hypocrite Steve." She said.

Steve stood up from leaning on the doorway taking a step towards her, unfolding his arms.

"Excuse me?" He said slightly agitated.

Cara pulled on a plum purple shirt before pulling on a black tactical jacket, zipping it up to her chest as she turned to look at him.

"You heard me, you're a fucking hypocrite." She said.

Steve stared at her jaw tensed in disbelief.

"And explain to me just exactly how I am a hypocrite." He said defensively.

"So you get to break the rules when it benefits you but if anyone else does it, you have to step in and set them straight." She answered angrily.

"Name one ti-" Steve started.

"Bucky! Anytime it comes to Bucky you break your own rules in a heartbeat Steve!"

Steve stared at her in disbelief.

"Are you saying I shouldn't have saved his life? And here I thought you loved him but maybe I was wrong."

Steve's words cut her deep, clenching her fists she glared at him anger racing through her.

"Fuck you Steve! You can be a real asshole when you want to be you know that?!" She responded.

"You know, I did know that. What I didn't know is that you could torture someone the way you tortured Rumlow and for what? Hearing what you already knew?" Steve pressed.

Cara clenched her jaw her eyes flashing red.

"Then you didn't read my files very well did you? You just saw a pretty face and a great body and jumped right in until things got too real." She said stepping closer.

"No I saw your hit list, I read about all the people you'd  killed, you have never done anything this terrible except-" Steve stopped himself just shy of finishing his sentence.

She turned to him suddenly, finally snapping.

"Except when Steve?" She asked.

"Never mind, let's just let it go."

"No! Except when Steve??"

Steve sighed looking at the floor shaking his head. He looked away from her before looking back at her rage filled face.

"Except when Hydra had you." He said.

Cara laughed, not her normal laugh but a disturbing laugh that made Steve uneasy.

"That's cute. That's real cute you know."

"Cara I didn't mean-"

"No! No clearly you did Steve! Clearly you did! And you have no idea what I'm capable of, until I get my son back, I'm just getting started." She yelled in response.

She saw his eyes dart over her shoulder just before she felt the pinch in her neck. Eyes widening looking at Steve, he looked back at her sorrowfully. As everything started going in and out of focus, she turned to see Bucky holding a syringe, tears in his eyes. As things started to go black, she saw  Bucky standing there sadly, Steve's arms preventing her from hitting the floor. As if muffled as her vision went she heard Steve as if from a distance.

"We're on our way to you now, she's been incapacitated."

Noticing the earpiece sticking just barely out of his ear, she realized that he had betrayed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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