Chapter 5

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I knew I would have to face him sooner or later, I would just have chosen later. I was about to walk towards the door when I remembered something. THE DOGS. I looked around frantically . Until I saw just what I needed.

"Just give me a second." I yelled out while grabbing my changer.( the changer is that thing you change behind that it can fold so no one sees you changing ). I placed it right in front of the dogs making sure to but a barrier on the other side so they don't decided to get up and get me busted.

I quickly went to the door and pulled it open. I was welcomed but a chest. I had to put my head back just to see his face. I stepped back a little so I could see his entire face without breaking my neck. I cleared my throat.

"Ah, what are you doing here exactly." I asked looking him straight in the eye.

"oh, um, its just that I was told to come and get you so you could um train me or something" He said quietly trying to look anywhere but me.

"Ok, rule number one, never break eye contact, its a sign of weakness."

With that I walked straight pass him hearing the click or the automatic door closing and not waiting for my 'partner' catch up, he wouldnt last a day.

~~~~~~~After Training~~~~~

I was panting. My hands on my knees. I had to admit he was strong, like really strong. There were a few times where he had pinned me down but in the end I had won. He was now laying down on the mat trying to catch his breath. I walked over to him. I was leaning over him but he had his eyes closed so he couldn't see me. I nudged his rib with my foot. He groaned. I nudged his rib again this time a little more annoyed.

"Whaaaaat" He dragged out the a.

"That was only the beginning, tomorrow we will be doing this again just more intense and we will be using fire arms too so be prepared" I finished.

His breathing was bad to normal and everything and he was just staring at me. I was concentrated on him even when he started to get up. I didn't move at all. I coughed I guess this was a better time then ever.

"Um Luke, I just wanted to um apologize I guess because um, I was out of line to say these things and." I was looking around, anywhere but his beautiful blue eyes.

I was cut of with him yelling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU INSULT ME AND EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU HUH." I was beyond shocked I didn't even think he had it in him to yell. I didn't know what to do. I felt horrible, Just completely a horrible human.

"Ok". you probably expected me to say it but no, it came from him.

"w-w-what, what do you mean ok."

"I mean ok. I forgive you ,no harm no foul, sure it hurt since you don't know me but its all forgotten." He shrugged Like it was no big deal. "But anyways, ill see you later ok." He winked. and walked out.

That son of a bitch.

Fire Away (Luke Hemmings )Where stories live. Discover now